The marvelous day I was born

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"Would it had been different if I wasn't born?"

"If I wasn't here would mommy and daddy not be sad?" _ These were the thoughts I used to have as a kid. I was nothing but a burden on my family. I was unwanted,and nothing but "trash". But let me tell u, nothing lasts forever, you won't be sad forever. Nor would you be happy forever.

I was born in the middle of the afternoon on a hot summer day. The sun was blazing, birds were chirping happily, children running around, handsome men running without shirts. All those good things. The only one unhappy was my 'beloved' mother.
Why, you ask? Ofcourse, it was because of me. I mean, why else? The whole source of her unhappiness and anger had just been born. Ofcourse she'd be angry.

I was the result of a drunk one night stand which eventually led to them dating. One month in, and she fell out of love. She found my father "vulgar and annoying". And then as if the "heavens were cursing her" BOOM! There she was. Pregnant. I mean, what can I say...

My father and mother got back together 'for my sake'. Let's just say the remaining days were..uh...not peaceful. You see.. both my mom and dad were drug,sex and gambling addicts. Not to mention the amount of cigars they smoked in a day. I'm short, they were downright hooligans.

Anyways.. ah, where was I? Yes! Right, I was born on a hot summer afternoon. My mom threw a fit in the hospital saying how much of an ugly baby I was, refusing to breastfeed me. I mean, geez... Did she expect me to come out of her coochie dressed in Gucci with a full face of makeup on or something!? So, in conclusion.. my mom has never in my life breastfed me...

Life was tough though I don't remember anything and then I became 2 years old.

Had it been differentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon