Chapter 3 ~ Sicily

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Since I've been in Italy I've met some new people, they all study at this place they all have different talents, but I met this guy called Ciao well he was my captain as I turned up he owned a boat to take me to the mainland, where we have been hanging out for quite a while, but Leon holds my heart he's the one I love where I don't see myself falling for anyone but Loen where I am going to wait for him my whole life if I have to, where I haven't had much inspiration for writing songs at the moment.

We picked Lemons all day until it poured down we went for shelter as I was talking to Ciao he leaned in to kiss me but we got disturbed, but I was kind of relieved because I didn't want to kiss him where I can't I know Leon might be kissing that girl but I can't do that to him where I did that with Diego and now he's getting me back for it.

I went home and had a warm shower as I sat in bed, I couldn't help but think of Leon and all the moments we had.

While I was remembering the moments my phone rang, when I looked at the caller ID it was Ludmila.

Violetta: Hey, Ludmila.

Ludmila: Violetta, get on a plane we are going back to Buenos Aires, where the guys are planning a reunion and Leon is going to be there, you need to face him and accept what has happened so pack your bags and get back here, you've had enough of a break now.

Violetta: Ludmila, I can't face Leon right now, or whoever he's with my heart can't take that.

Ludmila: I am not taking a no for an answer so get packing and I will meet you at the airport.

Violetta: Ludmila...

Ludmila: Violetta, pack now.

She hung up before I could answer, I did what she said I packed my bags as I fell asleep it soon became morning which meant it was my time to go to the airport, I said goodbye to everyone in Sicily and I went to the airport, when I arrived, I saw Ludmila walking towards

Ludmila: Great, you're here.

Violetta: Ludmila, what are you up to?

Ludmila: Nothing, we are going to see our friend, Violetta.

We got in the taxi it was 11:00 Am here, as we went home to drop our stuff home Olga and Ramallo were still there, and they hugged me tightly, along with my dad and Angie.

Ludmila: Right, we must go to the Studio come on.

Violetta: But why the Studio?

Ludmila: Because some of our friends are working there.

We made our way to the Studio nothing changed, it was still the same, as we walked in, we saw our friends in the Zoom as if they knew we were coming, Ludmila was responsible for this.

Francesca: Violetta!!!

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Francesca: Violetta!!!

Camila: We missed you so much!!!

Violetta: I've missed you too.

Francesca: So, where's Leon?

Ludmila was doing hand signals behind my back.

Violetta: Leon? Do you mean to tell me he's here?

Francesca: No, he hasn't turned up yet.

As I was about to say something we heard a girl's voice walking toward us, and that's when I saw him and her, God why did he have to bring her?

Melanie: *Disgusted* Oh, what a shabby place, you studied here.

Leon: Melanie, you didn't have to come with me, you know you could've stayed in LA.

Melanie: Well, our Agents didn't want that, they want us to show that we are together right, Leon?

As he stood in the zoom the boys ran to him along with the girls I just stood there staring at him and her.

Leon: Everyone this is Melanie.

Maxi: Your new girlfriend?

Leon: *Looks at Violetta* Something like that.

Broduey: Why, hello beautiful Melanie.

Camila: Uh, Broduey put those eyes back in.

Melanie: Oh, my love there's nothing to be ashamed of our love *Kisses his cheek*

I looked down with hurt, I couldn't believe this was happening, the one reunion we all waited for, and it got ruined with her.

Leon: Long time, Violetta.

Violetta: Not long enough, look if you just brought her to make me jealous isn't going to work where *Thinks of a lie* I have a boyfriend in Sicily.

Leon: Wait, you moved on? Wow, and there I was listening to Ludmila telling me you were devasted when you found out about me, and Melanie and you have a boyfriend.

Violetta: There are other guys out there, Leon Vargas, you are not the only guy out there that is my type don't forget I dated Diego when we broke up.

Leon: I didn't say anything, I was just going to say it's good that you've moved on because now we know that what had is gone and it's never going to come back.

Violetta: Your right, everything we had was gone when we both went to Italy and Los Angeles.

Leon: Yes... I...

Melanie: Leon, baby how about we go home now?

Violetta: Oh, home? You're living together?

Leon: No, she's just staying with me until we go back to LA.

Violetta: Wait, you're not staying?

Leon: Well, there's nothing much here for me to stay anymore is there, since my mom and dad are in Mexico and you, and I aren't together nothing is keeping me here where my career is now in LA.

Violetta: And of course, your girlfriend.

Leon: Violetta you decided to break this off not me, this is what you wanted you couldn't deal with the distance between us, so you said you wanted to end things, so don't go all acting like I'm the villain of the story when I have moved on because this is what we both wanted.

Ludmila: Leon, Violetta this is supposed to be a happy moment, not an angry one, you both need to stop now.

Violetta: You know what this was your fault Ludmila, I was happy in Italy away from Leon and now look I told you I didn't want to face him where I wasn't ready but no you had to force this, now I'm back to square one.

I walked away leaving everyone, I went home, I just couldn't believe everything me and Leon had it's just gone I feel like Leon and Violetta from graduation changed into mature people who now have focused on their music instead of each other when we always knew this time would come but I always thought Leon and I would be happy together doing our music together.

A/N: ~
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