chapter 1 (meeting)

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Y/n pov

Im laying on my bed, annoyed by my alarm."aishh! If you dont stop, i'll crash you!" I said annoyed to my alarm. I layed again but my mom shout from downstairs.

"Yahh! You lazzy ass! Get up and get ready. Its your first day in your new school, do you want to get late?" My mom shout at me. Then i get up immediately.

"Right! Its my first day at my new school, yes! Now im gonna see him, im so excitedddd!" I said while blushing. I know your wondering about who is him. Right? Well hes name was kim sunoo. i saw him in the internet, hes so handsome, yet cute. I follow him to all his social media account. Thats why i saw what school hes attending. And yeah that the school im attending now!

I hurriedly run to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Few minutes later i got out from the bathroom and wear my uniform. I dont put make up because i naturally beautiful. I get my things and put it in my bag. I got out from my room and went downstairs. I saw my mom preparing breakfast.

"Hey mom! Woah delicious."i said to my mom while looking at the food. I take a seat and started to eat." So why so sudden you want to transfer to this school?" My mom ask me. I look at her and i think about an excuse. " we-well mom, i have a friend their and she said its cool there."i  I said and smile at her. I lied cause look, if i say " i have a crush in that school" surely she will scold me. She look at me and just nod. I finish my food then bid goodbye to my mother.

Time skip

I am now walking to the bus stop and lucky me, its still there. I got in and i scan my wallet to the scanner and i walk through the empty seat. I saw there's an empty seat beside the window, i go there and seat while looking outside.

Time skip

The bus is now infront of the school. I push the button and the bus stop. I got up and went out. I just stood there mezmerize by the school." Its so pretty!." I said while looking at the school. I started to walk towards the main gate. I got in and now i am at the hallway, walking alone. Everyone is starring at me and i feel uncomfortable. But i need to be confident, i still held my chin up and walk, cause i need to find the principals office to get my id and  schedule.

Time skip

Im still walking and i still connot find the i decided to ask someone. I saw a boy, he's so handsome and tall. I walk towards him and stand infront of him. He looked at me" Um. Can i help you?" He ask and smirk at me i look at him confused but just shrugged it off.  I just nod and talk." Um, sorry to disturb you, but can i ask you wh-"  he cutted me off and what he say made me scoff. "Do i have  girlfriend well nope. Im still available."he said and i made a what face. Omy !if i just dont need this boy help i already punched his face. "Um sorry. Thats not what i meant, i just want to ask where is the principal's office" i said to him while waving my hands as a no. He just nod and look at me and his face is serious now. Wth! I think i hurt his ego but its his fault tho. Hes assuming. " oh! The pricipals office, just go straight and to the left you will see the office." He said coldly and walk away.

I look at him walking away and " hey! Thank you!" I shouted but he just continue to walk like he didnt heard anything. I just shrugged my shoulder and turn around to follow what he say.

Time skip

Yes! I already found the office and now im walking to my class. My first class was english. I walk and walk till i reached the door of my class. I saw theres already a teacher dicussing. Im nervous but i still knock and she open the door.

"Hm. You must be the transfer student." Our teacher said. " yes maam." I reply  with a smile and she walk back to the  front and get everyones attention.

" class! You will have a new classmate" she shout and the others cheered but the others dont care.  She look at me and" ms. Come in and introduce your self."  She said to me. I got in and  stand beside her. i look around and one caught my attention, my eyes widen to see.   "KIM SUNOO"

"MY COLD CRUSH"  Kim Sunoo FF♡♡Where stories live. Discover now