"Onceinabluemoon strikes the lead in the Epsom Derby, Ordered Steps can't reel her in. My Time and Tooth and Claw are back in third, Rush of Glory and Lister just back and Dappled Dove just off their quarters. Poet is trying gamely to keep up and Revisetheplan has been pulled up at Tattenham Corner! Onceinabluemoon is still holding on with three to go in the Epsom Derby. Tooth and Claw still hasn't been released but he's looming up into second with Ordered Steps!"
"Come on Donovan! Come on!" Carla yelled as the hairs on the back of her neck lifted, "Let's go baby!" Donovan finally began to wake the colt up and Tooth and Claw began to pick up stride.
"Look at Dove, look at Dove!" James suddenly yelled to her, "She's coming up to them!" Carla tore her eyes off TC to look back in the field but she didn't have to look far. Tearing down the centre of the track was a muddied grey streak bursting through the downpour. Her rider still half asking as the long grey legs reached for the boggy turf and tore back the three length lead from Onceinabluemoon. Down the rail TC was finally opening up but Dove was flying, she sailed up to Onceinabluemoon. The bay filly's ears swished back in displeasure and she found a new gear beneath her rider. The fight was game but she didn't stand a chance beside Dove. The grey filly was stretching and Onceinabluemoon was suddenly travelling sideways, ready to slam into the grey filly but Dove was far off the rail and as the bay filly moved off it a liver chestnut colt streaked up the inside.
"Go on TC!" Carla yelled as her colt took the lead in the Epsom Derby, "Show them what you've got!" Onceinabluemoon was surrounded and suddenly she lost her fight, she faded back and it was just the Acropolis horses that hit the final furlong, neck for neck and in a duel to the end.
"Go! Go! Go!" Carla wasn't sure who James was cheering for, in fact she was pretty certain that he didn't know!
"Come on TC!" The two horses were clinging to their instincts, Dove was beginning to stretch now; her legs reaching further with every stride whilst TC, hard as he tried, seemed to be tiring.
"Go on girl!" James yelled and Carla felt a wave of fury as Dove took a head's lead. The filly shouldn't even be here!

Dove was just opening her stride with every second that past, she was taking flight as they propelled up the final incline of the Epsom course. Kat glanced to her left, the colt was trying hard but he couldn't compare to the flying filly. The line approached and Kat gave the last inch of rein to Dove; the filly reached superdrive; her sudden speed carrying her past the wire with her tail flying like a flag!
"Dappled Dove, Dappled Dove!" She could make out the commentator's words above her as the stunned cheers roared around her. She rose in the stirrups, lifting a hand in victory as Dove slowed to an easy gallop. Her head was still high and she preened with glory, peeking out from her bridle with glee as she was eased to a gentle canter. TC cantered up, Donovan's hand slapping the centre of Kat's back, leaving a stinging hand print due to the freezing cold.
"Atta girl!" He breathed in her ear as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Thanks, good race."
Congrats girls, you two deserve it." He blew a kiss to Dove and the filly coyly shied away.
"Easy girl." Kat could feel the smile splitting her face in two, "Easy baby." The other horses cantered past, most jockeys were thrilled for her and all patted her shoulders, smiling broadly. Onceinabluemoon's jockey managed a smile as well.
"Quite a race! I thought I had it down, never underestimate the KFC magic though."
"Thanks." Kat laughed, "Thanks!" Dove eased to a walk and Kat stopped the filly and wrapped her arms around the warm, wet neck.
"I love you so much," She murmured, "Beyond so much. You are my Dappled Dove and today you flew." Dove turned her grey head and nickered back at her, I know. The other horses began to leave the track . Onceinabluemoon disappeared from sight, an old foe well beaten; Ordered Steps was led to the third place post whilst TC followed for second place. Dove stood proudly though, head high as she looked up at the grandstand. Kat grinned and nudged the filly on.
"Go on then! Show 'em what you've got!" Dove took off at a canter down the grandstand to the roar of the crowd. Her gorgeous grey ears were pricked up and her mane floated behind her in the breeze; her wet coat took the form of molten silver and the women of the crowd cheered for Ladies Day!

Dove entered the Winner's Enclosure to a fanfare, she arched her neck and danced on her toes in pride. Kat lifted her arms in victory as Dove stepped up to the post and stood proudly, for all to see.
"My champion." She whispered to Dove, giving the filly a final hug before dismounting to be greeted by a massive hug from her grandmother.
"My darling, that was brilliant! A one-two in the Derby!" Lady Eliza stepped up and rubbed Dove's forehead, "She's put herself on the map this time. I've got a new campaign marked out for her now..." Kat rolled her eyes and loosened the girth of the saddle, preparing to weigh in. The Derby winner's sheet was placed over her dappled filly's back and she stood proudly, looking around at the many photographers.
"Fantastic my darling," Lord Gordon kissed Kat's cheek as she returned from weighing in, "Come and stand by your champion." Kat took her place at Dove's head, the filly lowered her head so that they could stand cheek for cheek.
"Smile." Lady Eliza chided and even James managed a small grimace as the famly photo was taken with Kat's dappled filly right in the middle.

Derby Dreams (Acropolis #1)Where stories live. Discover now