
"You are growing thin love," I look toward the peas on my plate that didn't seem very appetising. Her food was the only food that tasted heavenly. I was tired of this boiled trash that I was forced to eat everyday.

"Im also growing emptier and more emotionless everyday dad, thanks for noticing," Rose coughs and that was about it, my attention seeking strategies were spat on in the dust. We were in the middle of waiting for the General and the Lieutenant that were taking their sweet time and making me sit longer at this table I dreaded with the very last drop of blood in my body.

"Love you mus..."

"Just stop calling me that, Stop pretending. Im tired just let me be tired in peace...please," Rose coughs again and I had a sudden urge to stick my fork in her itchy throat.

"As you wish," somehow I knew that was the end of seeing any my dad. I asked for this, I asked to bury him and this man who replaced my dad was going to do exactly that.

"I suppose dinner is ready?" My head snaps towards the accented voice and a man who was stubby yet somewhat tall was standing at the door. From all the glittering badges on his uniform I knew immediately that this was the poor excuse of the general we were waiting for. I look over at Masud who was shooting lasers from his eyes to the ground, his jaw clenching and unclenching as if scared and angry all at the same time. Helpless. I look back to assess the general, his hair was non existent except for the few patches of white hair that grew on the sides of his head to prove that he indeed had hair and wasn't some bald old man because God forbid being a bald old man was the last thing anyone wanted. I didn't like his yellow teeth that were beaming at me all too brightly and that got undesirable responses from my squirming self and my glaring dad who seemed to forget that this man was undeniably higher than him and wasn't supposed to be directed with such hateful stares.

"And who is this?" Im about to reply but my dad beats me to it, "Emilia, my daughter," he emphasises on the last part, the message loud and clear.

"Ah such a pretty lady," and such an ugly man who clearly didn't know the existence of a toothbrush and who definitely lied to himself that his obnoxious smile will bring all the ladies. I wanted to slap it off of him.

"Where's Lieutenant Paul?"

"He is coming," his stare remained on me and for a minute I saw Masud's head slightly rise up to analyse this interaction between us from the corner of my eye. This man was definitely part of the operation that Masud and his blonde friend were trying to shut down.

My head turns away from the general who couldn't quite seem to gouge his eyes off of me to the footsteps of a younger man, clad in a lower ranked uniform but one that seemed higher than just a mere soldier. The Lieutenant. He had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that fleeted across the room and lingered on Masud for a minute too long and I knew exactly who he was then. The mysterious Judas, or saviour if whatever they were trying to do was actually for the greater good. He was attractive, I slowly took him in from his sharp jawline to his lean body and back up to his biceps that weren't being so humbly hid in his tight uniform arms. My eyes meet his and he raises an eyebrow at my rude intrusion of his body. I don't tear my eyes away and neither does he, both trying to assert dominance.

He smirks and looks away from me letting me win. Our interaction was being seen all too well by both my dad and the general with no toothbrush and an eery silence passes by before my dad remembers his manners and invites them to the table. To my distaste the General decides to sit right next to me and not at the head of the table that was left empty solely for him. The Lieutenant and Masud exchange glances that were so nonchalant, you'd never know these two men were acquainted except of course you were me and read too deeply into everything.

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