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When the three of you show up to the hospital the doctors take you and Leon into the back. Ashley stays up front to call her dad. Hours of labor and neither you or Leon knew what's happening. All you know is that you are contracting and it hurts Like hell. In the middle of the contractions a midwife comes up to you.

"May I ask how you ended up here?" She asks. You look over to Leon. He looks up to the midwife

"The details are confidential to the U.S government" he says. He looks at you "but all we can say is her cousin is a pediatrician in training and says it was a cryptic pregnancy" Leon says.

"Okay" she says then looks at you "did you drink, smoke or have sex during this pregnancy" you sigh and nod your head. "You know there might be complications for your child" tears start to well up in your eyes as you nod your head. Leon's hand makes its way into yours as the midwife walks away.

"Y/n everything's gonna be okay" Leon says giving your hand a little squeeze. Before you could say anything else a contraction hits harder than anytime before. You groan and squeeze Leon's hand.

"The baby's head is crowning" the doctor says. After what felt like forever the baby was born.

"Is a girl" the doctor says. There was no cry from the baby. You hold Leon's hand tighter as the doctor takes the baby away somewhere. After what seemed like forever the doctor comes back but without the baby.

"Miss L/n, Mr Kennedy" the doctor says looking at the two of you. "We did everything we could". Your heart drops as you feel like you where gonna pass out. You do actually, you feel someone fanning you and squeezing your hand. You wake back up to Leon looking at you with glassy eyes.

"Oh Y/n thank God" Leon says before giving you a kiss. Your eyes well up with tears as he pulls away.

"I'll be right back with some paperwork" the doctor says before leaving.

"Y/n" Leon says making you look at him. "The doctor told me while you where unconscious the there was a hole in the baby's chest where it had not fully formed" he explains you start to cry

"Do you think that's where the Las Plagas was?" You ask still crying.

"That's a good possibility" Leon says. The doctor walks in and gives the two of you some paperwork.

The two of you do the paperwork and you rest in the hospital for a couple of days. You get discarged and leave the hospital. Ashley left days ago.

"So where are we exactly?" You ask Leon.

"No clue" he says hailing a cab. The two of you get in "so where are we?" Leon asks.

"Right now around the middle of downtown Mobile" he says with a faint southern accent.

"Alabama?" Leon asks. The man nods his head

"Where to?" The man asks. Leon thinks for a moment

"The nearest airport" Leon responds. The man nods his head before starting the car.

Finally home the two of you Walk into your shared apartment. You see a note on the table. You open it and read it

Im sorry Y/n but I have to go on a sudden business trip and I don't know when I'll come back, again I am sorry

Love, Leon

You chuckle to yourself as Leon looks over your shoulder.

"Oh yeah I forgot I wrote that" Leon says. You put the note down

"I'm gonna go take a shower" you say before going to get some clothes

Leon × Self-conscious!Chubby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now