I'm so blessed I met you

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William sat in his room staring at the open window. It was a beautiful day outside. The tree next to his window had a nest with two baby birds who were chirping as their mother flew to them to feed her younglings. It was a peaceful sight for him however, that peace was interrupted when the door to his room opened.

"You ugly thing, I thought I told you to leave the house." his step-mother spat at him

"I have guests arriving soon from a noble house and I don't want them to be disgusted and scared when they see that cursed face of yours, begone from the house, less I lock you again in the closet!"

Not wanting another experience as that, William said nothing and with teary eyes left the mansion. This was his everyday life. A hellish childhood with no signs of it ending. Being born in the Forsaken realm and living a peasants life was an everyday struggle of it's own, not only that but with a face like his he was treated even harshly by everyone around him. However the day he got accepted into a nobel's household you'd think his life would turn for the better, sadly for William it became worse. His now step-mother and those around her always pushed the boy around despite his calm and peaceful nature. His step-mother badly abused him behind closed doors and hated him to the core. She couldn't stand looking at his face. She deemed him a cursed child.

Because of this curse William had no friends, as nobody wanted to associate themselves with the boy. It was a painful and lonely life but despite it, William never became angry towards the world. The only thing he wished was that there would be someone someday that would accept him the way he was.

William's magic type was that of World Tree magic. It was a rare type and he believed if it was not for it, his noble father would have never taken him in. It was truly a sight to behold as William grew magnificent trees wherever he could. His favorite part about his magic however was seeing small birds building nests and making the trees their home. He considered the birds to be his only friends in this lonely life of his, as they were the only ones that never ran away from his appearance.

A tree began forming on a grassy hill as William began focusing his magic to its growth

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A tree began forming on a grassy hill as William began focusing his magic to its growth. The branches grew long and the body tall, green leaves forming as the final touch to his spell. He pulled himself together to catch his breath as he finished, the spell had exhausted the boy. He was still young and had no Grimoire book, so these things took a toll on him as he practiced. He took quick notice at the small birds that began landing on the tree, giving the boy a small smile.

"What an amazing spell"

He heard a female voice speak and turned to see a young girl standing close by observing with a smile on her face. Her hands were locked together in front and she seemed amazed at the sight in front of her.

"What kind of magic do you have?" she asked enthusiastically

"Ummm, World Tree magic" he replied a bit taken aback

Maybe in Another Life /William Vangeance/Black Clover/Where stories live. Discover now