◉Goodbye Hesitation◉

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'it was a bit nerve racking to ask'

"rumors?" I came to a halt from within the stairs. A raven haired from the group pointed an accusatory finger at me "you haven't herd?, The rumor stated you're probably another neighbor disguised as a human" flinching at their response with shock spreading throughout my core, I glanced back down at the floor. My grip tightening with the bento In my palms "that's not..." I began, but was later interrupted "so it is true" a blonde replied. Though the more they spoke, the more their voices smothered themselves into nothing, even if I were to be in such close range.

'do all of the people think that way?'

'that I'm another neighbor?'

'why?, I'm only doing this to protect all of you...I don't want it to seem as if im another neighbor'

'is that why everyone is so distant?'

'will I be able to do this?'

'what if I can't...the thought always crossed me'

Another voice had brought me back to reality as I found myself turning to the source, a raven haired male I knew so well stepped in between us, Osamu. His glasses glinted with determination if someone were to look closely "ladies, please respect a member who's part of border" he began with a soft tone, the lasses on the other hand looked more agitated. The blonde spoke up "don't get involved four eyes, this has nothing to do with you" she jabbed with a glare in her gaze. Osamu being osamu, he did not stand down and kept his calm demeanor intact "she's doing the best she can to protect everyone with the trigger she possessed, that doesn't make her a neighbor" he stated with a hand outstretched a tad bit to separate the both of us, like a barrier. Another accusatory finger was sent to the Raven haired's way "so what? She could turn her back against everyone if she has a trigger like that" she exclaimed. With another hand gesture, Osamu had kept the situation from escalating "then border can handle what comes after" he finished, which silenced the females who walked away with frustration. Nervously meeting emerald irises, he gave a fond smile "ignore them, they're just paranoid" he stated in a soft tone, though even his reassurance made the thought a bit less stronger than before. Warmth enveloped my shoulders as I was gently moved away from the space of the incident that occured "come on, let's look for Yuma" he kindly offered while leading me towards the albino. Becoming stiff from the motion, I gave a polite yet quiet nod towards red orbs that bore into my own, in which he returned with a casual gaze "so, what happened?" He glanced at the Raven haired male. Osamu gave a slight wave and stood next to yuma "just a few students picking on (y/n), the problem was thankfully resolved" he stated with relief laced into his vocals. Perking up from Osamu's statement, I began waving the idea off "oh- no no, they were just scared is all, though I wouldn't blame them, it's alright really" I responded with a nervous glance at the two males.





'what if I can't?'

Another ring from the bell made me feel relieved as I quickly made my way out of the classroom and out the front doors, avoiding the fact that the only reason was because of the thought of being called an enemy to the people I'm trying to protect. Passing by many citizens and roads along the way, I found myself near a canal where the water had run in a calming manner, making me fall into a tranquil trance, the fluidity and sound making this moment seem all the more magical. Until the sound of the alarms that set off begun to ring throughout the suffocating silence, alerted, I glanced back at the building before quickly looking around. A strong rumble had shook throughout the area, turning to the source, there, an entire neighbor had appeared causing havoc with it's strength to take everything down from it's path. Letting go of my bookbag with narrowed eyes at the opponent, I stepped forward with confidence "trigger on" I called out as the transformation began. Swiftly darting to it's direction, the house's roofs beneath my feet at a pace to keep up with the foe.

Yuma x FEM reader (oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang