◉Goodbye Hesitation◉

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Self doubt:💌
Body implications on oneself:🌺


[The battlesuit will look like this, sorry if it isn't to your liking but I've tried my best and I also put a veil over the (y/n) character to signify an unknown appearance to those who have different characters in mind]

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

Waking up with an annoyed hum, I slid off of the comfortable abode of the warm blankets. Changing into the uniform with tights underneath the skirt to cover a few scratch marks from none other than my clumsy self, I felt self conscious about the marks left behind by the impacts so there would be only one way to cover them. After getting ready, I grabbed my book bag and made my way towards the school by foot. Even though the school itself was nice, there were some cases in which it remained to be one of my scariest memories.

Giving a stressful sigh while entering the campus, a voice struck my ears "(y/n)! goodmorning" turning to the source, it was none other than Osamu himself, one of the very few people who represented good intentions. Glancing to his side was the second friend of mine, yuma. Sending a small smile their way, I couldn't help but feel so protective of them "goodmorning" the crimson eyed male greeted. Waving at them a tad bit out of nervousness, I began leaning back and forth "goodmorning you two" I softly greeted back with the warmth of familiarity. All three of us strode to the classroom making small talk, though at least their presence made the tenseness of the student's disgusted looks at least a little less powerful. Upon our arrival to the classroom, I decided to drown out the whispering that wafted through the area about my presence itself disturbing those nearby that were to take notice. Taking out designated seats, I sat at the very back, nearby a couple of males who turned to anyone who they deemed timid enough to pick on.

'i won't let them do as they please to me or anyone matter of fact! as long as I'm here, I'll be there to protect anybody I come across no matter the cost'





[TW: mentions of bullying]

After the bell struck my ears, i perked up from the long explanation the teacher had given and took out my bento. Sitting up from the abode of my desk, I strode throughout the halls and up towards a flight of stairs that lead to the rooftop, a place I always found calm and tranquil to think about life choices. Upon arriving at the door that stood between me and my comfortable space, I gripped the doorknob and twisted it with a gentle push, though upon revealing the area...my sight landed on the amount of students present. Flinching from the unexpected turn of events, I gave a small muffled gasp before slowly walking backwards with the door in tow to hide my very existence. To my surprise, my back made contact with someone who I wasn't able to see. Quickly turning to the source, I found a group of females there with hateful glances "aren't you supposed to be somewhere far from society?" One of them asked with venom in her words. Glancing at the floor with a grip to my bento box, I gave a small breather "I'm sorry, I didn't realize people were up here, If it makes you feel any better I could eat elsewhere" I glanced back up at the female who asked, keeping myself at a calm state. A satisfied look crossed the girl's features "it would be much appreciated, you belong elsewhere" giving the lass a nod before another girl had decided to speak up "looks like the rumors were true" she gave a smirk. Glancing at the girl with a confused look

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