"Of course I do. You're not the only tech savvy Loki" Loki answered back.

"Don't ever call me that" She said with a frustrated tone.

"Loki, Loki, Loki, Loki, Loki" I said quickly.

"Stop" She said, this time more calmly.

She tried taking the TemPad from Loki's hands, but he used his magic to make the device disappear.

"You're just fully magician then ?" She asked.

"Fine. For my next trick, I'll make you disappear" Loki said.

Before anything could happen, some sort of meteorite crashed in the room from the ceiling.

"Is that one of your powers ?" Loki asked.

"Where did you send us ?" The Variant asked.

We could hear more meteorites falling. We went outside to see our surroundings. The entire planet was purple.

"You idiot ! You sent us to Lamentis 1 !" The Variant screamed.

"What does that even mean ? Is there a Lamentis 2" I asked.

"The moon, that planet is about to crash and destroy" The Variant explained as we ran away from the rain of meteorites.

"Of all the apocalypses saved on the TemPad, this is the worst ! No one makes it off here !"

"I'm sorry. Didn't have time to scan the brochure" Loki said as we hid under a truck.

"By the way I thought you wanted us dead" Loki said.

"I don't know where you hid that TemPad, but if you blow up, it blows up and I end up blown up" She said, slightly screaming.

"So we're a team now ?" Loki asked.

"Oh, god no !" She answered.

We left our hiding place and we ran as fast as we could. We made it into a small building. Loki held out the door for me and let it go, making it close after the Variant got inside.

We were all breathing loudly. I don't think I've ever ran this much in my life.

The variant walked towards Loki and I, and she put a hand on each of our heads.

"What are you doing ?" Loki asked.

"What are you doing ?" She asked back.

"You trying to enchant us ? It won't work" Loki said.

"Why because you're a magician ?" The Variant asked as she took her hands off us.

"No. Because my mind is too strong and Y/N is immune to those types of spells because of her powers" Loki explained.

"Fine !" The Variant said as she got her sword out and pointed it at us.

"Really ?" I said.

"What do you propose instead ?" She asked.

"A truce. Listen, none of us are getting of this rock if we can't get the TemPad to turn on" Loki said. He was right. We might die here if we didn't leave fast.

"Where do you have it hidden ?" The Variant asked.

"You're a Loki. You should know how his powers work" I said.

"I don't know where things go when I do that" The variant said.

"I have the TemPad, but we're not going to get very far if you keep on trying to kill us" Loki said.

"You're full of it because you need me to get that recharged !" She screamed back.

She sighed.

"The plan you interrupted was years in the making. Years !"

𝐺𝑜𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑠 (Loki x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now