He can what now?!

23 1 59

For some reason, when the guardian of negativity woke up, he was purring.

Didn't know why or how, but he was.

Then he was aware of the amusement and smug-ness from those around him. He mumbled something he was fairly certain didn't make any sense, rolled over, and groggily opened his eye. Cross was acting as a pillow, Nightmare's head resting on the other's lap, while Killer was on the floor, doing something or other. And when he finally noticed Dust recording him, it finally hit him.

"Why're you petting me?" Dog, he inwardly cringed at the sound of his voice. And at the mispronunciation. "Stop."

"But you're so clearly enjoying it, Dadmare!" Cross, who never ceased the (admittedly nice) head rubs, grinned down at him.

Nightmare frowned at the name, "Do not call me that, and I am not enjoying it."

"Your body language says otherwise," Killer smirked from his position on the floor, pointing at his betraying tentacles. "Ya can't deny it Dadmare."

"Why in the world are you using that insufferable nickname?"

Killer and Cross shrug, Dust's too busy trying not to laugh and keep his phone steady to do the same. Nightmare sighed.

"At least let me get up," looking up at Cross showed that he'd be stuck on the couch for a lot longer than he had planned for. "I have to attend to some things, Cross."

"Nope! Sorry, but I ain't letting you go anytime soon."

"If you do not let go right now, I will be forced to use drastic measures."

"... Like what...?"

Nightmare smirked, and, despite his current position on the smaller's lap and purring, he still managed to make the skeleton unsettled.

Before he began to shrink.

Yes. He shrunk in size until he was no bigger than someone's palm. Still smirking, he took advantage of his small size to slip off the couch and underneath it, where he took off for the wall.

Before he had met his gang, when he was still exploring the castle and getting used to his new abilities, he'd figured out how to shrink. However, getting back to his usual height took another three days. So, he had taken the time to create passages in the walls so he could discreetly walk around without being seen for future use.

It seems like it would be handy for navigation now.

Behind the couch, there was a near invisible door disguised as a part of the wall, and it would only open to his own magic. So he went in, and went to the closest tiny peep hole to see what their reactions were going to be.

It was priceless.

Chuckling, he wandered around. It's been a while since he used these passages, so it came as no surprise that he had walked in the exact opposite direction from where he had wanted to go.

Still, he did not expect to have wandered all the way to the dungeons. However, deciding that his original plan could wait a bit, he decided to spy on the weird not-human girl he had dumped in here what had to be yesterday.

It wasn't particularly interesting. She just lay in the bed, unmoving. Nightmare was about to head back before movement caught his eye.

The prisoner had sat up, back against the cold, brick wall, watching the entrance of the cell attentively. Curious, Nightmare followed her gaze to see Horror sliding in a tray of food.

"Here's yer food. When yer done, leave it outside the gate and someone'll pick it up."

The girl just nodded and smiled gratefully, "Thank you for making me food, it's really appreciated."

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