"I have a secret to tell you." Joelle's eyes light up. "You can't tell anybody just yet, do you promise to keep it secret?"


"I'm pregnant." Joelle lets out a squeal before throwing her arms around me which makes eyes turn to us as I laugh.

So baby now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

The moment that we share is so special as no words are spoken as we stay wrapped up in a hug. I hear people sigh in adoration and the flash of the lights but I pay them no mind as I share this moment with my baby girl. 

Oh baby, we found love right where we are (maybe)
And we found love right where we are

Never did I ever believe that I would become a stepmom so it means a lot to me knowing that we share a strong bond. Even when I wasn't with her father, things were still good between us and she has always treated me as if I mattered which makes me want to cry.

Joseph and Thomas squeal as they squeeze my legs which makes me laugh.

I eventually have my father daughter dance with Mark which was really special and something that I will remember for the rest of my life. He did persuade me to dance with my birth father which I did for a couple of minutes, it didn't make me feel any type of way because he hasn't been present in my life since I got with Joe but I know he was happy.

As the hours go by, I'm happy to see our families and friends getting along with eachother. The children have their own section and they are being watched by some relatives who are dancing with them. 

Both of my sisters are here and I have interacted a bit with them. I'm really happy that Nikita hasn't acted up because I will kick her out if she tries to do something to get all the attention.

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth

A smile forms on my face as I watch Jelena Knight perform on stage with a small smile on her face.

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Joe kisses the top of my head before kissing my lips.

Getting to this point has been a struggle but being here right now makes it all so worth it. We spend the next hour just dancing and having a good time as the live band plays some of our favorite music. 

I threw my bouquet and my ninety year old grandmother caught it which made everyone crack up.

Now that the night is starting to come to an end, our wedding party starts making speeches. Sofia and my mom made one on my behalf which was really nice because they have been here the entire relationship so they know everything about us.

Jon started making a speech but then he ended up crying which meant that Colby took over which was really sweet. They were both hugged and Joe joined them so they could pay hommage to the shield which made a few people cry.

"Where do I start with this speech?" Dwayne chuckles as he looks around. "Do I talk about the times that I beat Joe's ass or the times when he wet the bed?"

Everyone bursts out laughing but our laughter soon turns to tears as Dwayne makes this powerful speech.

Since it's quite late into the evening, maybe a quarter of our wedding guests have left along with the kids. They passed out an hour ago which was expected since they had been up from 6 am and they hadn't taken a nap due to how busy the day was.

Joelle is fighting sleep but she's still kicking it with us and she's cuddled up to Joe.

It was really nice to meet Joe's extended family and I got to meet his father for the second time which says something about their relationship. We had a short conversation which was nice as he welcomed me into the family.

Once it's time for me to make my speech, I stand up with my microphone in hand.

"You may think Joe is the possessive one in the relationship but you guys are wrong, I'm the possessive one." Everyone laughs and I smile. "Seeing as we have a lot of people here from Joe's work, I expect to have you all watching out for my man when you're on the road. Don't be letting these women cop a feel of my man, let them know that he is married to Amerie Camile Anoa'i."

As people laugh, I start feeling myself getting worked up because this is the first time that I have said my new name.

"I didn't know if we would make it down the aisle after we split up for the second time but I'm so happy that I gave this rock head another chance." I rest my hand on Joe's shoulder and he kisses my wrist. "Meeting Joe changed my entire life in the best possible way. For the first time in my life, I thought about life outside of my career. I wanted to create a family with him because he has always made me feel safe. He never ridiculed me or made me feel bad about myself even when we're fighting. Joe uplifts me and he has helped shape me into the woman that I am today. A woman who has two sons and a beautiful daughter."

I smile at Joelle who is smiling back at me.

"This is a dream that I didn't think was possible and this whole day has felt like the perfect movie." I hear people sigh in adoration. "I want to personally thank you all for showing up to this union, this is one of the most important days of our lives and it means everything to have your blessing."

Everyone claps as I hand the microphone to Joe who kisses me once he stands up.

"Getting married more than once is always a big thing because there is that pressure to make it the last one. There is a part of me that wishes that Amerie was the first woman that I married but I also know that God had a plan."

"Amen." Someone calls out and I laugh.

"I needed to go through my experiences and learn about what it meant to be a great partner before I met my soulmate." I smile at his choice of words. "We may not have made it if we met before our time but I'm grateful for the life lessons that came from previously married. I have my daughter from that marriage which taught me what it meant to be a good man and a good father. Now we have two more boys and the experience is a lot more different but I'm so happy."

Joe and I share a passionate kiss before looking into eachother's eyes.

"I'm so happy that I met you." Joe tells me as I fight back tears because I have been crying the whole day. "I don't see a life without you in it and I'm sorry for mistreating you in the past. You have always deserved the world and more so I intend to give you that."

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