The Beginnings

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Today's the day, I sigh to myself as I put on my multiple layers of clothing. As a girl in the army I've had to try my best to make myself look and act like a guy, in fact my whole family thinks I'm dead which is fine because I feel more comfortable like this I'm not like other girls.

We march to the field after praying to God so he can help us and as I see them: the Palestine army. There are so many and I think, is this is how my life ends with no one knowing the real me. I'm completing life, my brown orbs blinking and then I see a man who was basically a giant. I mean, I'm pretty tall myself but this man had to be at least 6'10. He's saying something but I can't hear it. As we all huddle I finally understand, he wants someone to fight him for our freedom instead of killing all these innocent people (which to be honest would be preferable).

I didn't volunteer because dude I still have my whole life ahead of me there's no way I'm dying without any glory; Nah. This scrawny little boy steps up and says he'll fight. By the way when I say scrawny I mean like malnourished I'm talking fasting for 12 days malnourished. But despite that they let him, which I mean, I guess if he loses the king won't die. The king really is so selfish I kinda wish we never got a king. I think we were doing just fine before. As I see him go I realize he's not wearing any armour and I find out later that it was his choice which was a pretty bold move. The front is crowded but from what I see David, the boy, just won? He comes back with his head and to be honest I'm very impressed. As a prize the king lets him marry the princess which is a great prize since she is really pretty and he's in the royal family now, double score. I'm really happy he's in the royal family because now maybe real change can happen. 

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