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When Becca and I finally reached Miami the first thing we did was book a room on the board walk. Remind you it was Spring break so it was packed. The price for the rooms was a bit expensive although it didn't matter because it was worth it. They had fliers hanging up all over the inside of the lobby. It was free Rap and R&b concerts on the beach all weekend. I guess that's just how they do in Miami
Phone rings
Rebecca: Ugh!
Sarah: Who that?
Rebecca: It's Chris.
Sarah: Elk! What that nigga want?
Rebecca: I don't know girl. I'm not even answering my phone right now. Let's go take a walk on the board walk.
Board walk
Rebecca: Sarah I just wanted to say thank you.
Sarah: Nah no problem girl. Anytime.
Rebecca: No I mean it. I'm really proud of you, what you become, and how far you have came. I still remember how quiet you was in the group home. Now look at you, all grown up. Its finally looking like your standing up for yourself and demanding your wants inside of this life. Because child it's hard out here. Shit i'm a living testimony. Rebecca gives Sarah a hug. I know your mother would be so proud of you right now.
Sarah: Yeah
Rebecca: Yeah. Look Sarah I'm going to be honest with you. I ain't going to lie. I'm a little concerned.
Sarah: What's the matter?
Rebecca: I don't know its like lately you have been spending a lot of money. And I appreciate the favors I really do. I just want to make sure you're okay. You recently got laid off. I mean do you even still have a job?
Sarah: Takes a deep swallow. The job? Of course. Yeah.. yeah! I still work. At the strip club. I mean like I said just got laid off for a little while. In the job is a everyday pay basis anyway. It ain't no clock, schedule or nothing like that so yeah I still work.
Rebecca: Good because that last story you told me about.
Sarah: Which one?
Rebecca: The one about the stalker at work. Girl I was scared! I though I was about to have to come to your job and fuck something up. You know I love me some you.
Truth is Rebecca was right. She never played about me. Even when we was little she always had my back. But times changed now. It feel like I'm the one in position that can help Rebecca out. I mean if she even want the help. I know I could have Rebecca in her own spot in no time. With a nice amount of money in her bag. But sometimes Rebecca be acting funny. Especially over that man of hers.
Sarah: So have you thought about working at Diamonds? Even if it's for a couple of weeks. That should be enough to get you a little apartment or something.
Rebecca: I don't know. I still need a little time to think about it.
See what I mean by acting funny. This bitch had more than three days to think about it. It's a simple yes or no answer. This not a Asvab test. At times I don't even think she want her own spot. It's just a matter of time before she run back to her boyfriend and she be stuck up in the same position again.
Sarah: What is it to think about?
Rebecca: I don't know I just can't see myself long term at a strip club dancing forever. I mean there's no pension, medicaid, 401k plan, I mean I see what the vacations look like they're nice. But I just don't know.
Sarah: Is that how you see me long term? Working at the strip club for the rest of my life? Girl let me teach you something. This strip club shit. Diamonds! is just something part time. All this is, is a stepping stone girl that's it. Free money. All the money I make I invest it, either im trying to get my own house or making sure I got a career in life. After I do that Im good. You see how I'm living now. Shit we just ran through a easy ten bands.
Rebecca: I get it. I definitely get it.
Sarah: One thing that I learned after I got kicked out of the group home is that nothing is free in life. Nothing! If you want it you have to go out and take it or life is going to beat you down every single time. I could guarantee that.
Rebecca: Looks like the concert already started.
After the concert Sarah and Rebecca went to the casino for a few drinks and to gamble. Both of them ended up cashing out a couple of thousand before returning back to the Boardwalk to chill for the night.

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