2: The gc

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(A/N): Hello my lovely little chatons!!!! Welcome to the second chapter of Watch Out Lying Sausage Hair, We're Coming at ya! Enjoy, and don't forget to comment what ya think!! Oh, and italics are thoughts when they have a apostrophe around them, and when letters are in italics and don't have an apostrophe around them than that means it's a text. Miraculous does not belong to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RenaBlogger🦊: How are we going to expose Lie-la Rossi?

MariBug🐞: We'll need more people than just us five that's for sure.

TheNiceBee🐝: Ya, but who?

AdriCat🐱: Idk.

Mister. Carapace🐢: Maybe Alix, Mrs.B, Julaka, Kagami, Luka, Marc, Nathaniel,or Sabrina?

TheNiceBee🐝: I could get Sabrina for sure.

MariBug🐞: I could maybe try and get Alix and Julaka. Just hold on.

Everyone -MariBug🐞, 🐢🐝🦊🐱: K.

MariBug🐞 added Don'tCallMeFluffyTail🐰and JulaTiger🐯 to TEP     (A/N): I completely forgot about a name for the gc 😑. It also stands for team exposing plans

Don'tCallMeFluffyTail🐰: What the heck!

MariBug🐞: Chill out Alix! We just need yours and Julaka's help.

Don'tCallMeFluffyTail🐰: Oh, and what's with the name?

MariBug🐞: Just roll with it.

JulaTiger🐯: What are we doing here?

MariBug🐞: We need your help to exposing Lie-la.

JulaTiger🐯: You mean Lila?

MariBug🐞: No, I mean Lie-la. 'Cause she lies.

JulaTiger 🐯: No she doesn't.

RenaBlogger🦊: Guys don't get into a fight. We still need Sabrina, Mrs.B, Luka, Marc, Nathaniel, and Kagami.

TheNiceBee🐝: Hold on. I got this.

TheNiceBee🐝 added TheTeach📘, DragonFencer🐉, SnakeGuitarBoi🐍, TheLoyalPuppy🐶, TheArtist🖌, and ILoveToWrite📝to TEP

TheArtist🖌: Where am I?

RenaBlogger🦊: You are here to help us expose Lie-la Rossi. Now, are you in or out.

Everyone -RenaBlogger🦊, TheNiceBee🐝, Mister. Carapace🐢, AdriCat🐱, and MariBug🐞, 🖌📝🐰🐯🐶🐉🐍📘: We're in.

RenaBlogger: Let's do this.

(A/N): So what did y'all think of this chapter and the names? Ya, I know, the names are really cringy, but they were the only names I could think of! I just noticed Adrien and Nino said, like nothing. Anyways, love ya my lovely little chatons!! Byeeeeeeee, and don't forget to comment what you think!!!!

-🐱🐞Bug Out🐞🐱

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