Part 2~Liam Payne

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It was thundering and lightning outside when I woke up scared. "Baby it's ok it's just a storm,don't worry I'm here to protect you" Liam said. "Just go back to sleep". When he said that I feel back asleep in his arms.When I woke up the next morning, the was no power so I just got a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch. "I wonder where Liam is " I thought. Right when I put my bowl in the sink I felt someone grab my waist and carry me to the couch."Ahhhhhh,Liam stop,stop tickling me". After Liam finally stopped we just sat there staring into eachothers eyes for which seemed like forever. Then Liam got up and went to the bedroom. "What are you doing"? I asked curiously. There was complete silence, so I went in the room and found a present on the bed.There was a card that said "I know your birthday is not for another month,but I had to give you this sooner"~Liamxoxo. When I opened the present I couldn't believe my eyes! Liam bought me a diamond necklace,bracelet and earrings! Then when I looked under the box there were 2 plane tickets to London?! "Liam why did you buy 2 plane tickets to London"?! "I want you to see London and meet my parents"Liam said. I was silent for a few minutes. "Babe, whats wrong"?. "what if your parents don't like me"?I said sadly."They will learn to love you just like I did"He said sweetly."We leave first thing tomorrow morning, honey" He said. I started packing and then when I was done Liam was standing there and said he had something to ask me. "Liam, what is it"? I asked. Liam got onto his knees and said "I have been waiting for the right time to ask you this and I think now is the time to ask if, YOU WILL BE MY WIFE"? I just stood there in shock and then I said "Yes,Yes I will marry you"!! He put the ring on my finger and I asked "Why did you ask me right before we go to meet your parents"? "I just wanted them to see how much I love you and that your the girl I have been waiting for my whole life"Liam said romantically and sweetly. After we were done packing,we got ready for bed and latex down.Liam kissed me passionately and said "I love will love you forever and always,I promise I will never leave you" "I love you with all my heart and I want to be withyou forever and always,goodnight"I said sweetly."Goodnight babe, sweet dreams my love".

Story~Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now