Part 1~Zayn Malik

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Since my boyfriend Zayn is on tour,I decided to buy One Direction tickets to surprise him for his birthday.That night,me and Zayn did our usual video chat before we go to bed. "I miss you so much baby" Zayn said. "Me to and I can't wait to see you". After a hour of talking,when Zayn said he had to go,I started to cry. Before me and Zayn had to get off he brought Niall,Louis,Liam and Harry to cheer me up,which really worked. "Goodnight love, hope to see you soon" Zayn said. "Goodnight babe love you to,bye" you said sadly. When Zayn logged off I got ready for bed. When I payed down I be all I could think about was how surprised Zayn was going to be when he sees me at the concert,then I feel asleep. In the morning I got up took a shower,got dressed in some nice clothes,put some make-up on and did another online chat with Zayn like I usually do. When Zayn saw you he was speechless and then after what felt like forever he finally spoke " Wow, you look so beautiful baby" Zayn said with a smile. "Thanks I'm going to a party later with a couple of friends" I lied. "Well Im sorry babe but I have to go to rehersal because we have a show tonight"Zayn said. "Om well I'll talk to you soon love you,bye" I said. A couple of hours later it was time to leave for the concert. When I was about to walk in Zayn called and said "Baby I wish you were here with me,at least turn on the tv and watch because I have a song I wanna sing you" Zayn said. "Ok babe I will, can't wait to hear it, well I know your about to go on so I will see you on tv love you" I said happily. "Love you too" and Zayn hung up. When I walked in and showed security my back stage pass, I bumped into Liam and Liam was just about to Zk if be should go get Zayn and I said "No because this is supposed to be a surprise for his birthday". When they got on stage, they sung "Stand Up","Moments" and "LWWY". When they were done Zayn sung "They Dont Know About Us" and dedicated it to me! When he was done he turned around and spotted me. He was so surprised to see me,he told the boys he had something important to say. He went behind the stage,brought you out and introduced you to all the millions of fans. "I have something very important to say" Zayn said. "I know we have been dating for 6 months and I love you very much and I just want to k ow if you would be my Mrs.Malik? There was a quick silenc. "Yes"! Then everyone cheered and were so happy. After the show we went backstage stage and told Zayn I had this whole thing planned and that since it was his birthday, I had to come "Alyssa,you do norm ow who happy I am to know that you are going to be my wife" Zayn said happily. "We will leave you guys alone for a couple of minutes and we will go out and sign albums" Harry said and after that they left the room and it was a complete silence. "Zayn you dont know how much I love you and how happy I am to know that we are getting married" I said happily while crying. "Babe,don't cry, I know your happy, and I have more news to tell you". After I wiped my tears Zayn said "I'm coming home tonight because the guys knew I was going to ask you to marry me". Right after he told me I jumped I to his arms and he kissed me passionately. "I love you forever and always,love" Zayn said quietly. "I love you to with all my heart" After a quick make out session me and Zayn drove home and feel asleep on the couch.

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