Picking sides

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Mowgli gets onto a tree filled with sorrow, Y/n stayed by the bushes and watched him. He looks at the distance and softly sighs, "That morning sun peeks over the mountains, and all the rhinos rub their eyes. When they hear, hear the jungle rhythm.

Y/n quietly joins in, "How could it be, half as good as being free? Part of me, like the jungle rhythm, like the jungle rhythm." Once Mowgli quietly kept singing she slowly stops singing along.

She looks down and was about to leave him alone till she hears someone, "Mowgli!" Mowgli turns around, "Shanti? Whoa!" He starts to fall and got himself tangled to the vines, "Are you OK?" Mowgli chuckles, "Oh, I feel "vine"."

"What are you doing up there?" Mowgli tries to untangle himself, "Hold on. I'll be right..." he then starts hanging upside down. Shanti smiled, "I can't believe I found you."

"I thought I'd never see you again." Y/n clenches her fist and went to the find Baloo while he was looking for them, "You out here, kid? Hey, Little Britches! Mowgli?" She grabs Baloo's paw, "Baloo over here" Baloo follows her and sees Mowgli with Shanti and Ranjan. "You're not really helping." said Mowgli.

"Ranjan, stop pulling." Y/n points, "It's her." Baloo gets his face ready to scare her. "That wild bear that carried you off." Mowgli looks at Shanti confused, "What wild..." He was cut off by Baloo roaring and heading towards Shanti.

Mowgli yells, "Baloo, don't! No!" Then Baloo trips on a vine which pulled Mowgli to the tree, "Roar." Shanti quickly punched Baloo and it made Y/n quickly get out of the bushes, "Hey! Don't you dare hit Baloo."

"My poor sneezer. That hurt." Shanti has her hands up, "You come anywhere near Ranjan and I'll really show you hurt." Y/n steps in front of him, "As if I'd let you touch him, you'll have to get through me first."

Mowgli gets down to step in between to stop it, "Wait!" Shanti warned, "Don't make me do it." Y/n growls and Mowgli gets in between, "Wait. Calm down. It's OK." Shanti looks at him, "But he's attacking us."

Y/n scoffs, "Attacking? He's the one socked in the schnozzle." Mowgli looks at Y/n, "That's because he scared her." Baloo shakes his head, "But, you told me to scarify her." Shanti looks at Mowgli shocked, "What?" Mowgli shakes his head and fell down by a nearby tree, "No."

Shanti is in disbelief, "Wait a minute. Mowgli, you planned this?" Mowgli stutters, "Well, I..." Shanti picks up Ranjan, "Come on, Ranjan." Mowgli quickly gets up, "Shanti, I can explain!"

"Don't even bother." Shanti carries Ranjan and runs off. "Shanti, wait!" Mowgli watches her run off, Baloo sighs, "Man, you weren't kidding about her. She's bad news." Mowgli shouts, "No, she's not. She was helping and you scared her."

The two started arguing. "Man alive! First, you tell me to scare her, then, you tell me not to. Kid, I only got so much room in this noggin, and it's filling up fast." Mowgli looks away, "You just don't understand."

"Alright, how's about laying it out for me?" Mowgli then looks at the direction Shanti went, Y/n looks at him not wanting to believe it. Baloo looks at him, "Read you loud and clear, kid. You wanted that girl to find you."

Mowgli was full of guilt, Y/n quietly sighed, "Oh...." her eyes are filled with tears, "I guess it shows that you love living in that village than you do in the jungle." Mowgli looks at her, "Y/n that's not it."

"Yes it is, because you like her Mowgli. You followed her to the village and you're going to do it again. I should've known you'd picked her over the jungle." She turns away from him, Mowgli tries to get closer, "Y/n.."

"Just go! Go after her! It seems like you need her more than she needs you!" he then looks down and runs off to find Shanti, leaving the two alone. What they didn't know is that Shere Khan was witnessing the whole thing.

Baloo wipes her tears, "Kid you shouldn't have said that, I know you don't mean any of that." She sighs, "I had my reason, maybe not a good one, but what does it matter. He went off to find her." Baloo gets on her level, "Listen Y/n, he's our friend so we have to check up on him."

"I'm not going with you Baloo. Right now I don't want to see him." Baloo sighs, "Why are you being so harsh." She looks at him, "It's because I love him!" It made Baloo and Shere Khan flinched, she looks down, "You heard me..."

"Kid...I...I didn't mean..." she turns away from him, "I felt that way for a long time, I thought I could at least help you bring him here so he could forget about her, but I was wrong. Now I know who he wants and it's not me."

Baloo hugs her tightly, "That doesn't mean you want him hurt." She stays quiet, Baloo continues, "Come on Y/n, we have to find Mowgli." She nods and the two headed to where Mowgli run off to.

Shere Khan leaves to find where Mowgli is, Now you have done it boy, I will not let this happen anymore. You've hurt my darling Y/n and now you are going to pay the price for it.

He grew more angry than before, he spotted someone in the distance. He quickly heads towards it to see who it was, to his surprise it was Shanti and Ranjan.

Jungle book 2: Two worlds combined {Mowgli x reader}Where stories live. Discover now