Departure Day

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(This will be the only chapter that has both P.O.V's that are doing the same thing. The others will have both point of views but at different time lines.)


Peridot's P.O.V

Today is the day we leave for Earth. Of course I have my escort, Jasper, coming with me. 'She is so annoying and arrogent! Why they are making her of all the gems come with me, I don't know. Granted she is strong... and I do need somebody to help fight off those traitorous gems on Earth. Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe she won't be too annoying and hot-headed.'

I start calculating our route to Earth when I hear her voice from down the corridor. "Hey! Where are you at, Peridot," she screamed it and I cringed at how loud she was. 'Why is she always so loud...' She then walks into the control room where I'm at. "You didn't answer me..." She said this with a hint of anger in her voice.

I roll my eyes and look at her. "I was busy setting our route for Earth. Sorry, I can't waite on you hand and foot, Jasper," she must have noticed the sarcasm because she huffed and stomped over. She then proceeds to slam her hand on the control panel, luckily not hard enough to break anything, but enough to make me jump.

"You listen here. I'm only coming on the mission because somebody needs to protect your scrawny ass from getting hurt. I didn't have to come with you you know." I look up at her and frown slightly.

"I never asked you to come with me, Yellow-Diamond wanted me coming home safe so you were the best choice to protect me." I turned back to the computer to continue setting the course. All I heard from her was another huff and her stomping back out of the room. When I heard the door close I took a deep breathe to clear my head. 'She is so infuriating! This is going to be the longest trip ever!'

Jasper's P.O.V

The day finally arrives for us to go to Earth. I step on board the ship and start walking down the halls, exploring a bit before finding my partner Peridot. 'Ugh...Why am I the one who had to go on this trip? They couldn't have chosen anybody else? I mean, Peridot is so uptight! She's probably going to yell at me the whole time anyway!'

I sigh and start looking for her, calling her name and asking where she is. She never answers me. I soon find her in the control room though. I scowl and glare at the back of her head before saying, "You didn't answer me..." I see her roll her eyes through the windshield of the ship and I glare at her more. She then turns around and makes a snarky comment.

"I was busy setting our route for Earth. Sorry, I can't waite on you hand and foot, Jasper." I growl and stomp over to her. I hit my hand on the control panel angrily but not too forcefully. When I see her jump it brings a faint smile to my lips, but quickly disappears. I see the slight fear in her eyes when she looks up at me.

"You listen here. I'm only coming on the mission because somebody needs to protect your scrawny ass from getting hurt. I didn't have to come with you you know." I see her frown.

"I never asked you to come with me, Yellow-Diamond wanted me coming home safe and you were the best choice to protect me." She then turned back to her work and left me staring for a second before huffing and stomping off. The door closed behind me and I headed down the hall to where she wouldnt be able to hear me. There I punched the wall of the ship. It didn't hurt much, after the last war on Earth nothing hurt me anymore. 'She is so annoying! Why am I on this trip?! This trip is going to take forever!'

Go to Earth they said, it'll be easy they said.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum