

Sapnap sat, stunned on the bed, before regaining his composure then left his eggs and ran after Punz.

"H-hey, wait-" He called, sliding on the hardwood floors out the dorm room's open door. "PUNZ-"

The blond turned around. He looked Sapnap up and down, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. "You... might not want to be walking around without a shirt on."

"It's fine we're all friends in this building."

"..." Punz nodded. The two were awkwardly silent for another minute, then Punz  bit his lip and mumbled, "Did you need something?"

Sapnap paused.

He didn't really know why he'd run after Punz.
(He did)

Punz had no reason to stay up here with Sapnap.
(Stay with me)

Sapnap didn't need anything-- at least not anything Punz could give.
(I need you)

"Sapnap?" Punz asked, after the ravenette didn't respond for a while. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fi-" Sapnap snipped, annoyed at the lingering voice. The lingering voice telling him to stay calm. He blinked. "...I don't know."

"Do you need to talk about it..?"


"With Dream maybe?" Punz started walking down the hall to the stairs again, "You dont have to talk with me I can grab--"

"No, I need to talk with you-"
(No, I need to talk with you.)

Sapnap put a startled hand over his mouth. He was starting to sound like the voice in the back of his head-- what was he thinking??


"Okay." Punz said, "You wanna go grab your shirt then you can tell me about it in our room?"

"Uh-" Sapnap gulped. He was so avid on ignoring the voice, ignoring his feelings, but Punz seemed to be making things so easy for Sap. "Sure.. I guess."

Punz offered the ravenette a sweet, shy smile. Damnit, that smile.


"So," Punz prompted, after Sapnap had gotten his shirt and the two boys had settled down on Sapnap's bed. "Are you feeling okay."

"I think..?" Sapnap said, "I-"

He took a breath. And he let the voice that had burrowed in the back of his head step up and control.

"You freaked me out a bit. Last night."

"Oh-!" Punz's head snapped up and he looked so distraught that it caught Sapnap off guard. "I'm sorry- I swear I didn't mean to go so far I just-... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Punzo." Sapnap assured. "It wasn't.. bad, per se. I think it made me realize.. some stuff.."

Sapnap laughed at how cheesy he was sounding. And he laughed at how Punz's distraught expression turned surprised so quickly.

"..yes-?" He squeeked.

"I have these.. feelings."


"For you." Sapnap said, his voice strangely confident. The words felt true, but still not like his own. He thought the voice in his head wasn't his for months but, again... the words felt true.

[✓] the things you do ~ punznapWhere stories live. Discover now