Part Fifteen: The Empty Seat

Start from the beginning

"I know, I know, everyone's just asking." Brenda said and my father gave her a deep look and she sighed again. "Hey, if I start cranking out, you'll be the first to know." She told him and that seemed to make my dad happy enough to leave her alone.

"I better go check on Aris." I told the two of them and my father nodded.

"I'll come too." Brenda said and the two of us waved as we left my father to tune up the car on his own.

Me and Brenda walked in silence for a little bit as we made our way to the building with the others. Brenda took a deep breath and then turned her head to look at me.

"Hey," she said, grabbing my attention. "You okay?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Sure." I said but she shook her head.

"Sure isn't a yes (Y/n)." Brenda said and I took a second to think about my next words.

"I don't know. I feel like a failure. Minho has saved me and I am incapable of saving him." I told her and she nodded her head, indicating she understood.

"You aren't a failure (Y/n), just think about all those Immunes we saved." She said but I still couldn't shake the feeling. "I think Minho would have been proud."

"Yeah, well let's find out what went wrong cause I know I heard him." I told her but she shook her head.

"I'm sure there was a lot of screaming going on, it could have been anything." She said and I shrugged, not wanting to fight about this. I know I heard him because I know Thomas heard it too.

Before anymore words could be said, me and Brenda entered a building through a door and found Newt, Thomas, and Harriet sitting in front of Aris and Sonya. With more light in the room I could get a better look at all the marks on the boy's face. It made me extremely mad.

"Took you guys long enough to rescue us." Aris said, trying to use comedy to make the situation better. I on the other hand couldn't look away from his beaten face.

"Who did that to you?" I asked and that's when everyone noticed that me and Brenda had entered the room. Aris looked up to me, putting on a fake smile.

"I fought back. Well, tried to, anyway." He said in return. Thomas gave the boy a pat on the arm as I went over to find a seat next to Newt. The blondie leaned over to me so that only I could hear him.

"How you doing?" He asked and I shook my head.

"How are you doing?" I redirected and Newt shook his head.

"I asked first."

"We can talk about it later." I said and he nodded his understandings.

"Your lucky you found us when you did." Sonya spoke up as she patted Aris's cuts with a wet rag. "They had us on the move a lot. It felt like something big was happening."

"We noticed." I spoke up.

"Any idea where they were headed?" Newt then asked but the two shook their heads.

"All I know is that they kept talking about a city." After Aris had said that, all eyes were on me and Brenda as if we would know anything about a city.

"I didn't think there were any cities left." Harriet finally spoke.

"Last I checked, there weren't." I said in return and Brenda nodded.

"Not any still left standing anyway." She added. Thomas took a second to register everything going through his head, then turned to Aris.

"Okay, wait, what about Minho?" He asked and I felt myself sit up straighter at the mention of his name. I found myself curious about the Minho situation also, knowing that I definitely heard him screaming. "Why wasn't he on the train?"

Both Aris and Sonya made a quick glance at each other, as if it was difficult to explain. Then they both looked at the group.

"I'm sorry Thomas." Aris said and I was already getting ready for him to say it, for him to tell us that we got the wrong train car, that Minho wasn't even there to begin with. But, that wasn't what the boy said. "But he was on the train."

"What?" Both me and Thomas said at the same time, me rising to my feet while Newt stayed in his seat.

"Explanation please." Brenda said and the boy sighed, looking down to his feet and looking back up to face us all again.

"The moment we found out the train was hijacked, some soldiers came in and took Minho. But only Minho, no one else."

I knew why they only took Minho, it was obvious and I could feel the anger pulse through my veins. The only reason they took him was because they had a direct order to do so, and I knew who that order was from.

"That bastard!" I said harshly and everyone looked over to face me. "That bastard!" I said again, kicking a rock in anger. Newt got up to his feet quickly, resting his hand on my shoulders and leading me out of the room.

Once we were in the sunlight, I felt the tears stream down my cheeks. I didn't know what I was, mad or sad, but I definitely knew I was mad.

"That bastard Janson!" I told Newt who stood there, not sure on what to do. "He knew, he knew it was us so he took Minho! He took him!" I shouted and Newt slowly came up to me, wrapping his arms around me, holding me close.

"We're going to figure this out." Newt said and I looked at him.

"I hate this."

"Me too. Minho has been my best friend for years, and he's saved my life on many occasions." Newt said this and the hurt was present in his voice. "But we need to keep our heads, figure this out." He then said and I nodded in agreement.

Thomas walked out of the building with Brenda following after him. Both me and Newt looked at him as he stood there, the gears turning in his head.

"(Y/n), do me a favor and get Vince. We're going to have a meeting." Thomas instructed and I nodded. "Im gonna go grab the maps, see what I can find about the location of this city Aris keeps talking about."

"Good that." Newt agreed. "Let's do it."

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now