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     You cannot believe they are standing on your doorstep—their eyes, once bright and beautiful, now wide and sad. Their posture was still strong even after all the time-worn onto their body. It was as if they never aged, just got older. It has been decades since you tried to contact them. They never wanted to come back before this moment. Your breath caught in your throat, and tears are pushing to fall- you cannot let them see you cry. A hard swallow and exhale brings you back into the moment as you are now, not then. 

You have aged. Growing into the person you are today was the most challenging feat you accomplished. Your body is strong from the life you gave to others—the life you would've provided to them any day in the past. Now, you are needed here. Maturing is realizing you can love people who don't love you back. 

Your partner was out of the house, picking up your child from school. A snowstorm warning announcement aired only an hour ago; however, concerned parents beside us feel this is more than a storm and preparing for a long night.

Cold darkness made the midafternoon feel like the dead of night. The crisp thin air nipped your cheeks and the tip of your nose; a soft smile spread onto your lips with a pessimistic eyebrow raise.

"Why are you here?" You choke out with a crack in your voice. It wasn't easy to say those words. As you planned for this day many times before, you always thought it would be the overwhelming truth of love.

"I want you to come with me." 

Your nails dig into your palm, and you could feel the nerves firing. Their presence had to be a dream or a twisted joke. They were standing right here, though, with arms outstretched, ready to be with you. You have had visions of this since you met them since they left you. 

There wasn't a reason why they were here. Especially how the stranger seemed so comfortable to be here, their face gleamed with innocence, and their voice was steady and confident. Now, the one that got away wanted to run away with you. 

You healed, grew, and moved on. You were only falling in love, only falling apart. Only finding yourself. You give a pitty smile and shake your head- you close the door. Time doesn't know fairness.


The following day, you wake up to the bright sun reflecting off the snowfall. It snowed a foot last night just after my family returned from school. It was the calmest snowfall. The snowflakes were fluffy and steady, falling for hours. We have not been able to leave the house since evening.

You didn't tell your partner yet. The tension was strange during dinner, dessert, and a movie. It felt like there were secrets from both parties. You look over to your partner peacefully sleeping. It isn't time yet. You go to get up, but your partner starts to mumble awake.

"I am sorry. I know you loved them." Your partner breaks the silence as they roll over to look at you, putting their arms around you in the most embracing and loving hug. Their eyes were still closed, but you felt their sadness in the embrace. 

"How did you find out?" You didn't know how your partner could've found out before you told them. There might've been cameras. Yet, you declined their offer, so they aren't upset with you, right?

"I heard on the radio casualties from an accident going northbound on the way to school. It's horrific that they passed away so tragically. I figured you knew and didn't want to talk about it in front of Baby."

They died before they came back. They never actually came back for you. After all this time, a stranger almost fooled you that they came back for you. 

Your partner could've heard your heart shatter. Satan sucked all the breath out of your lungs. Your body tensed as it all made sense; they came back to drag you to hell with them.

Overwhelming anger shook over your body. Your anger formed questions of intent and responsibility, but the stranger is gone forever after all.

Tears of relief swept over your body. After all the pain, you were able to resist their demon.

The One Who Came BackWhere stories live. Discover now