I grabbed a t-shirt and shorts and my undergarments and went to go take a long bath.

As I relaxed in the bubble bath I heard my bedroom door open which scared me considering I had the bathroom door cracked open. I wrapped myself with a towel and peeked into the room.

There stood Michael. What the hell is he doing here? "What the fuck Michael?!" I said a bit loud.

"I couldn't sleep so I wanted to just talk to you and I didn't know you were in the bathroom I'm sorry" he said covering his eyes with his hands.

"Just stay here you can watch Netflix on my MacBook and I'll be out in a bit"

He nodded so I got back in the tub. I relaxed a bit before getting out. I got dressed and blow dried my hair.

I put my hair in a messy bun and went out. I found an adorable sleeping Michael. I shut my laptop off and placed it on the table.

I shut off the lights and laid next to Michael. I was just falling asleep when I felt strong arms wrap around me.

"Goodnight June" he whispered.

"Goodnight Mikey"

*The Next Day*

I had woken up around 9:00AM. I tried going back to sleep but I just couldn't. I walked down stairs to get a glass of water.

I went back up but when I passed Michael's room it was empty. Weird. I had to pass each room before I got to mine.

As I passed June's room I noticed 2 lumps under her blanket. What the fuck?

As I got closer I saw her bun but behind her cuddling into her I saw Michael's lilac colored hair.

Did you hear that? That my friend was the sound of my heart ripping into tiny pieces.

I certainly couldn't sleep now. I laid in bed for hours just thinking.

I heard everyone get up but I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

Suddenly my door opened and June came in. "Good morning Luke" she smiled as she sat next to me on my bed. "Morning " I said with no emotion.

She looked at me funny but shrugged it off. "So what's up?" I asked.

"Well I was going to the store to get some food and so I came to see if you wanted to come." She said smiling.

"Why don't you go ask you're boyfriend." I said harshly. Fuck that slipped out.

She looked at me confused, "what the hell are you talking about?"

"You and Michael. I know you like him June I'm not stupid Plus I saw you guys cuddled up in you're bed this morning. You probably fucked him you last night. Get out of my room and don't talk to me ever again." I spat.

She looked upset which broke my heart but thoughts of her and him pushed that feeling away.

"You're a clueless asshole! Mikey came in my room last night because he couldn't sleep. All we did was cuddle. You're just ugh! Fuck you I can't deal with your shit!" She stormed out.

I stayed in bed all day. I didn't want to talk or look at anyone.

This trip just started badly. Ugh fuck this. I got up and got dressed and walked down the stairs.

Everyone stopped talking to look at me. She probably told everyone her side of the story making herself the victim. Probably blaming my one mistake for her to hoe around. I walked out into the snow. Fuck it's cold.

I walked around shivering until I spotted a pub. I walked in and I sat at the bar. Asking for the strongest thing they got. The bearded bartender instantly gave me caramel colored shots.

This blonde sat next to me in a short, tight, low cut, black dress.

"Hey baby" she said seductively.

"Hey beautiful " I slurred.

"Let's go back to your place?" She placed her hand on my thigh.

I nodded sheepishly.

We were both drunk and stumbled back to the cabin and as we stepped inside everyone's eyes were on us.

Junes expression was hurt but at this moment I didn't care. We stumbled up stairs and I think you know what happened after that.


Wow I can't believe Luke. I hate him. No you don't idiot. My thoughts taunted.


Yes now that Luke fucked up again I can have a chance with June.


Oh God more drama. I can't believe Luke would bring a girl here and they both seem drunk.


Damn shit is about to go down. Luke just opened up a whole can of world war III.

Bullied By HimHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin