~Chapter 3~

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You woke up to the sound of the TV downstairs, well, You assume it was the TV downstairs since you could hear a low static-like sound coming from somewhere, You took a few seconds remaining laid down before slowly getting up so you could check out the weird static sound.

You were walking half slouched down the stairs to the living room when your cousin came out of her room and came up behind you "Mornin' Y/N, how was your sleep?" Just as you turned to face your cousin's direction, The low static stopped, Weird, Maybe you were hearing things

"Good morning Miley, I had a good rest, and you?" Miley started to walk in front of you "I slept fine, Thanks for asking, Now, would you care to get breakfast with me, or will you just stand there?" She giggled and walked into the kitchen and you, of course, followed after her "Now, I only have cereal, Is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay"  Miley opened the top cabinet and took out three different cereal boxes "Here you go, Just choose which one you want" Miley, Herself chose honey cheerios while you chose cornflakes after adding milk the both of you retreated to the comfortable living room where you two started to watch some more movies

"I swear to God, people in horror movies are so stupid, Like jeez Louis" Miley had been ranting on and on about the stupid choices people made in horror movies for a minute now, But you suppose she wasn't wrong "True, why do they think splitting up is a good idea when they are aware a killer is lurking nearby with a big knife??!"

"People are stupid I guess" when you looked back at the screen you two just burst into an uncontrollable laughing fit for a minute when you witnessed a fictional character get slaughtered "Stupid indeed, Like why did they walk into a random barn with a mauled door that was almost off its hinges"

"I know right!! It's like their asking for death" this might have been a fun conversation but you both knew it was a coping mechanism against the fear you felt when random jumpscare came onto the TV screen, Yet even if you were scared, you adored horror films of all sorts, well, besides Human Centipede, that one is just weird.

After an hour of slandering horror movies and laughing hysterically, The film was over and you decided to get dressed and go out for a walk for a little bit before going back and getting ready for the music festival. After changing out of your nightwear and into something more casual, you went downstairs to wait for your cousin.

After a minute or so, You started to hear that quiet static-like noise, It must be the TV, You decide to walk into the living room to turn the TV off but as you enter the room, the weird static gets quieter until it disappears, you look at the TV yet, as odd as it sounds, the screen was black, You pick up the remote and press the power button.

The TV glowed to life, yep the TV was off when you entered, where did that noise come from then? Weird... "Y/N, I'm ready! Let's go!" You turned the TV off and walked to the front door where your cousin was waiting for you " Alright, let's go, Where are we even walking to?" Miley turned her head to you and smiled

"I was thinking we could go to rosswood park, just like when we were kids, It would be a pretty fun place to visit before the festival" she opened the door and stepped out, you followed behind her and closed the door, You started to walk alongside  each other and talked about random stuff until you saw your destination

"And we're here!" You were standing in the parks parking lot, the place was quite empty, besides the one car, that didn't bother either of you though, you liked it like this, your cousin then broke into a run towards the forest, you ran after her, unable to conceal the giggles that came out of the both of you's as you race each other.

you sprint at a rapid pace to get in front of your cousin when you managed to do so, you screamed out "EAT MY DIRT!!!"... Yeah... You were pretty competitive... you felt proud of yourself as you were nearly at the forest of the park, then rather unexpectedly, you tripped and your cousin caught up and overtook you

" HAH, YOU JINXED IT, NOW KISS MY ASS!!! " Your cousin was quite competitive as well... She stopped running and touched the trunk of the first tree she came up to, signifying that she won, she waited for you to catch up to her, which, of course, you did eventually " You finally caught up, honestly, I was expecting you to be even slower"

"Haha, very amusing, well done for beating me by the way" you said giving her playful smirk, Miley twirled and bowed "Why thank you for congratulating me, for beatin' your ass" she snickered at her own foolishness and looked back at you "Welp, do you care to properly step inside the forest with me now?" You both dusted yourselves off and walked into the forest while you named the different bird songs you could hear, unaware of the attention you were attracting from people you ought not to get caught up in.


Hello readers! Sorry for the fact I have been rather... inactive when it comes to writing, the thing is I can't promise it won't happen again but just know I will post eventually, sorry again, I hope you enjoy the story so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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