Chapter 2: Exceptions

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Chapter 2: Exceptions

Dakota's POV

"Dakota let's go! We're going to be late!" I hear Tanner say, from down the hall.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yell back, making sure he can hear me. I wanted to make sure I looked good, as we are meeting Alex's best friend, Averie. This is the first time we'll be meeting her, but Alex proposed the fact that she's great with technology. We don't have a tech person on our team and she'll also be a camerawoman, if she says yes.

I walk back down the hall, seeing that Tanner and Chelsea are waiting on me. "I thought I took forever to get ready." Chelsea laughs.
I was wearing a black hoodie, with a pair of black jeans. My hair was combed neatly, but I had my glasses on. "Yeah, ha-ha, very funny." I snarl at her. I get my shoes on, and we head for the car.

As we were driving, it was semi-silent, only noises coming from the car and the soft radio. I felt myself getting nervous to meet her. I know what she looks like because of Alex, she's absolutely stunning. Her greenish-golden eyes could stun anyone. Her chestnut brown curly hair that falls just over her shoulders. Stunning, absolutely stunning. "So, do you think she will take the offer?" I hear Chelsea say.

"Truthfully, I don't know. I hope she does, it will give her an excuse to stay with Alex. From what he told me, she loves anything and everything paranormal." I say, somewhat hopeful.

"She'll fit right in then!" Tanner says, as his eyes are focused on the road.

The car went silent again, but I didn't mind. Instead, I imagine how Averie might take the news.  It could go one of two ways: yes or no. It's simple, but it feels like the scenarios are never ending. When we pulled up to Alex's, Chelsea immediately got out so she could meet Averie. "Well, guess it's you and me grabbing out the equipment." I say to Tanner, who nods.

"I didn't expect her to fly out of the car that fast." He replies, as we get to the trunk.

"Me either." I say, grabbing equipment.

As Tanner and I start unloading, I hear Alex running toward us. "Need help?" He says, out of breath.

"Yeah, we could use some since Chelsea decided to bolt, quite literally." I say laughing. Alex laughs too, grabbing what Tanner and I couldn't.

As we head back toward Alex's apartment, we hear the girls chatting away. "Well, they seem to have hit it off." I say, Alex nodding in agreement.

"I told you guys she'd love you. Your question tonight will be easy. Thank you again, for at least asking." Alex says, and I smile.

"Anytime man." I say, as we walk into the apartment. Alex loves being around Tanner and I, but Averie has been his closest friend and having her live so far away is hard for him.

Entering the apartment, Chelsea and Averie's conversation went mute. We set down the equipment in the living room, as Alex asks if we're ready to go. I got a quick glance of Averie, and she took my breath away. She's even more stunning in person. Before I could say a word, we headed back to the car.

"Ava is so nice!" Chelsea screams, as we're driving down the road.

"You'd be the one to know. I've never seen you bolt out of a car so fast." I reply erupting in laughter. Tanner laughs too, agreeing with me.
"She better say yes. You better not mess this up Dakota." Chels mumbles.

"Wha-? Why are you trying to blame me?" I ask, as I turn to face her in the backseat.

"I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying you better interact with her at dinner, and not mess it up. It'd be so nice not being the only woman in the mix." She says, and I nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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