Chapter 31: Dumbledore's Army

Start from the beginning

You inspected your coin and saw that today's date was engraved along the edge of the coin, "I used the Protean Charm," Hermione told you all, "so when Harry changes the date on the master coin, which is his one, they will warm up and show the new meeting time and date."

"This is brilliant, Hermione," you told her, thrilled at such a clever idea. She mirrored your smile in gratitude and then the meeting was disbanded, and you all took turns sneaking out of the Room of Requirement.

Your D.A. coins alerted you to the next meeting which was two days later, after dinner in the Great Hall. Harry had you split into two lines and stand parallel to each other while he demonstrated the next spell you would be working on.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal, it's sort of a wizard's bread and butter really," he said as he walked between the two lines.

"The bloke is going to make me hungry again," Fred whispered from beside you to George who stood on his right.

"Come on then Nigel," Harry said to the second-year Gryffindor boy, "give it your best shot."

Nigel stood at the opposite end of the room to Harry and you all watched from the sidelines as Harry showed the boy his empty hands, showing he was an easy target. Nigel's eyes widened but he raised his wand, "Stupefy!"

Both Harry and Nigel went flying backwards and you winced as they both hit the floor hard. "Good!" Harry said with a groan as he pulled himself up, "not bad at all, Nigel. Well done." The young Gryffindor stared at his own wand in amazement and grinned happily at Harry.

Ron and Hermione went up next and you stifled a laugh as you heard Ron telling her, "don't worry. I'll go easy on you." Hermione looked like she, too, was hiding a laugh and she briefly met your eye over Ron's shoulder and then smirked, "thanks, Ronald." Then Ron walked past where you and the twins stood and made his way to the opposite side of the room.

"Come on Ron!" Fred encouraged him and George echoed the sentiment, "you can do it!"

A few half-hearted cheers were called out as the two stood facing each other and Neville raised his fist as if preparing for celebration.

"One Sickle," George whispered to Fred, "you're on," he replied and you rolled your eyes at the pair, and then turned your attention back to your friends who were facing off.

Ron had barely taken a breath to say the spell when Hermione flicked her wand, "Stupefy!" and Ron squealed as he was propelled backwards through the air. You had to muffle your laughter with the sleeve of your school jumper as shocked gasps filled the air.

George shoved the Sickle into Fred's awaiting hand, "thank you" Fred said smirking. "Shut up," George scoffed at his twin, and you saw Neville awkwardly lowering his fist, no longer needing to raise it in triumph.

You walked over to Hermione with the other girls just as you heard Ron approaching the twins and saying, "I let her do that. It's good manners isn't it?" you looked over your shoulder to see the twins feigning agreement and each trying to hide their own laughter. Fred caught your eye and winked as you joined a chuffed Hermione.

You all lined up in partners again and you had to duck as George stunned Lee and the boy's wand and limbs almost hit you as he flew backwards.

"I wasn't ready, you tosser!" Lee shouted at George who laughed maniacally and then you turned to face Fred. You narrowed your eyes and grinned at him in challenge and he wiggled his eyebrows at you in an almost flirtatious manner, and then you both raised your wands.

"Stupify!" you both yelled almost in unison, but by some stroke of luck you cast the spell just barely a breath before him and it landed successfully. Fred soared backwards and landed with a thud, you ran over to help him up.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now