Tender Loving Care

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Guile felt awful wrapped up in a bunch of blankets and lying on the couch. His fever made him feel too hot but his chills made feel too cold. His throat was too sore for him to talk loudly and his nose was too stuffed up for him to talk clearly. He felt too weak and tired to move so he was just a lump on the couch. Cocooned in a bunch of blankets coughing and sneezing uncontrollably. He sulked as Charlie Nash sat down on the couch with him. He placed a box of tissues between them.

"(Sniff) Ugh stupid cob." Said Guile as a large amount of mucus began to pour out of his nose. Charlie Nash pulled out one of the tissues from the box and handed it to him. "Here take it your nose is running." Said Charlie wanting to make sure that he keeps a safe distance from him so he wouldn't get sick as well. Guile slowly reached his arm out of his blanket cocoon and took the tissue from Charlie's hand. 

"Thanbs i needed bhat." He said before blowing his nose into it and then wiping it a few times. He tossed the tissue a side and then coughed a little bit more. "I'b sorry i'b dot feeling well today." He said sniffling in between each word. "It's ok." Said Charlie Nash nodding like he understood him. Suddenly Guile felt a tickle in his nose. "Ah.......ah......ah." He began to build up something. 

Charlie's eyes widened as soon as guile began hitching. "AHCHOO!!" Guile sneezed releasing a bunch of snot out of his nose causing it to be more runny than before.

"Cab i hab another tissue?" He asked watching all the snot drip out of his nose like a waterfall. "Sure you can." Said Charlie grabbing another tissue from the box and handing it to him. Guile took the tissue from his hand and blew his nose into it. 

Charlie then grabbed another tissue and handed it to Guile to wipe the snot off his face. Guile took it from him and wiped his nose.
He then yawned and fell asleep on the couch. Charlie Nash walked up closer to him and planted a kiss on his forehead. 

Which wasn't a good idea since he wanted to make sure that he didn't get sick. But he figured that one kiss couldn't hurt. "Sweet dreams." He said as he walked off watching Guile snore loudly. (The end)

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