5. I Want to Hold Your Hand

Start from the beginning

I decided to just drop the issue and we went on our way.

"Let's get some ice cream first, Y/N! There's this really good shop near school."

"Oh sure, I think Okuyasu told me about that place, its his favorite."

"What? He didn't take you there, did he?"

"Um, no why?"

Josuke laughed nervously. "Nothing! I just wanted to be the first one to take you there, that's all."

I didn't answer. What was so wrong if Okuyasu took me to go get some ice cream? Weren't we all friends?

Being so lost in thought, my clumsy self decided to trip over nothing just as we got to the shop. I scraped up my knee and both of my hands. It was so embarrassing to trip in front of people! My face immediately heated up and I scrambled to get up before too many people could see what had happened.

"Y/N!! Are you hurt?! Oh no, this is all my fault, I should've kept a closer eye on you! I'm so sorry!!" Josuke rushed to my side. 

I brushed the dust off my uniform. "Don't be sorry, Josuke, I'm ok. I'm honestly more upset about my outfit." I joked, but Josuke still looked at me concerningly.

"Are you sure? Maybe if you let me look at it, I can help." 

 "Let's just go get our ice cream. I'll clean myself up when we get to school." I didn't want Josuke to make it a bigger deal than it actually was, and I was still super embarrassed about falling all over myself.

Going inside the shop, I saw Yukako with a small boy I could only assume to be the 'Koichi' she always talks about. Josuke stepped away to buy our ice creams, but I saw him constantly looking over at me, as if he were watching my every move.

It made me kinda uncomfortable for some reason, so I stepped to a spot where Yukako would cover me from his gaze.

"Y/N! Its good to see you--- woah, what happened to your knee?" Yukako asked.

"I... fell." I admitted sheepishly, whispering.

Yukako smiled kindly at me. "Well don't you worry, I'll help you clean up when we get to school. No need to be shy about it, it happens." she spoke softy.

I quietly thanked her.

"Have I introduced you to my absolutely perfect man by the way? This is Koichi! He's the most amazing, charming boy ever! But don't you even think about trying to steaI him from me, Y/N." Yukako's mood turned on a dime. 

"I wouldn't try to do that to you, I swear." Note to self: never get too close to Koichi.

Koichi chuckled anxiously and after talking to me for a minute, he led Yukako out of the shop, leaving just me and Josuke. I wondered how often Yukako got like that.

Josuke came up to me and handed me my ice cream. "Are you sure you don't want me to take a look at your knee, Y/N?"

"I'm fine. Thanks for the ice cream, I owe you one!"

"Don't mention it, I just like spending time with you, Y/N. You're worth every penny." he winked.

I blushed again. He was being so sweet. I can understand why every girl in school has a thing for him, but I've never seen him act like this with any other girl though. Was I special to him?

No way! I've only Josuke for like a week. There were probably so many other girls that he knew better than he knew me. 

It was just all so confusing. I liked the attention he gave me and I wouldn't dislike it if he had feelings for me. But still... something just felt... off...

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