Chapter 2

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"That should be it" you declared to yourself.

In front of you laid, who you belive is, Zatz laid against a tree with a blanket drapped over him. Placed against the tree was a green blade that you had found in the rubble of which he came from. Sat to his side was a few small bowls of fresh purple and white paint you made from the flowers you had found. Next to the bowls were a plate of food for him and a glass of water in case he woke up while you rested. You had restarted the fire to keep warmth. It was still late into the night and you were quickly tired out. You let out a sigh, regathering your bag and grabbing some rope. You climbed into the tree Zatz rested on, tieing your legs to a sterdy branch and hooking your bag to the ropes before leaning back and resting.

"Who are you?"

"Hm?" You groaned.

You opened your eyes to find the male before you, still dressed in his armor and scuffed face paint. The green ascents of his amor glowed matching the blade he pointed to you. He didn't look hostial but more on edge if anything.

"I'm regretting going back for that sword now" you muttered as you started to work at the ropes on your legs which ether irritated him or confused him, emotion being unclear as you held your gaze on your work.

"Answer me" he demanded but his voice held little power as it seemed horse and unsure.

"You know, it's customary and polite to intoduce yourself before asking another's name" you muttered annoyed.

"And usually someone under sword point is quick to answer questions" he retorted with a smirk as you finished freeing your legs.

"That requires me to care for my life here pal. What's the worst your gonna do? Kill me" you smirked back pulling the blade closer to your neck.

"Can't tell if your brave or stupid" he replied pulling his blade back.

"I'd say a healthy amount of both honestly. Now your name?" you asked using his blade to pull you up.

"Zatz, prince of bats" he introduced, desiding your not a threat and sheathing his blade.

"Thought as much. Pleasure to met you Zatz" you noded before hopping down to the ground, snaking your arms into your bag straps, "I left you new face paint, you look like a babe got into their father's paint and went to town."

He ran his hand over his chin to find flakes of paint in his hands. He smiled as he hopped down to the camp site. The fire had burned out over the night. The blanket he used was neatly folded and set where he once slept. The food and paint had been untouched from where you placed it in the night. The sun had barely rose above the ground, the sky turning blue from a ripening orange. You scooped up your blanket and placed it under your bag, strapping it to the pack.

"And your name?" He asked.

"None of your concern" you spoke to him, checking your bag and pulling out dried fruit as you began to eat.

"I shared mine, is it not fair for me to reseave your's?" He asked.

"It would be fair but I don't really see the need. What should be known is why you fell out of the sky. Shouldn't you be with Maya dancing and what not?" You shrugged.

" Not until I have you name" he insisted.

" If you must know, it's (Y/n). Besides it's not really my business but I would like to know how you came back to life. Aren't you dead?" You said pointing at him.

"That I should. You must know that Maya and me don't dance. It was more of a fancy grave to rest your soul. The moment I was connected to the moon I was asleep. I assume the same was for Maya. Next think I know I wake up under a tree with someone sleeping above me" He explained.

"Huh, that's odd. Teca stories made it very clear that you two spent your afterlifes as the moon and sun, dancing forever as a gift. From nature or something. They've stated it enough that it's the common belief in these lands" you contemplated.

"How did you find me? He asked.

"In a rock that fell from the sky. Made a crater and everything. Thought I was going to find some cool metals to use for more weapons but found you. Though a stranger at least deserved a decent rest without being covered in rock" you shrugged.

"Do you think the same thing happened to Maya?" Zatz asked.

"I doubt she fell from the sun in the middle of the night but maybe she will. I haven't seen anything falling from the sky in brod daylight. I barely saw you fall" You informed Zatz.

"We should go to Teca, look through their library" Zatz concluded.

"We?" You quetioned as you took a cloth from your bag and pored some water onto it, handing it to him, "here clean your face. I can't take you seriously."

"You've helped me this far and you'll probably know your way around as it may have been a while since I've walked in the land of the living" Zatz replied cleaning his face as best he could.

" I'm not going to Teca, there are only two kingdoms that don't hate me and I don't want to subtract Teca" you refused.

"Why would you, guideing me to their library, make you hated?" He asked.

"It's not that. It's just so many things could go wrong" you spoke turning to him and rearranging your bag, "oh here let me help."

You took the cloth from him and carefully started cleaning the paint from his eyes and out of his eyebrows that the paint seemed stuck in. Once you had scrubbed it away you realised how close you were. You quickly backed up and turned around.

"There, your face is all clean"" you spoke timidly as you rang out the cloth.

"Thank you" he said hesitantly as he grabbed the paint himself.

Silence feel over the camp as you picked things up for travel. Your nerves slowly calmed as Zatz made work of his face paint. You sat in silence for a second, think about where to go next or what sources of foid you could find today from previous trips.

"You don't have to come but I'd greatly appreseat the guidance and company on this trip. I haven't been near anyone is some time now so I just assumed you'd be as open as I was to such opportunities. I am sorry for my assumptions (Y/n)" He apologized.

"I'll come" your replied slugging your axe over your shoulders.

"Really?" He asked, spirits lifting slightly.

"But only if you can promise nothing goes wrong" you warned turning to face him.

His face paint was recreated on his face, purple and white making a mask over his eyes and designs along his face. The purple complimented his paler skin nicely. He noded confidently, walking to your side.

"I promise you nothing will go wrong in anyway. I gerente it. Besides what harm can research do?" He smiled.

"Very well, try to keep up" You spoke as you began walking.

The Moon Fell (Zatz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now