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*please listen to video while reading :)*
A new semester, meaning a new chance to change. Y/n had been looking forward to this day, the day she would finally be able to get away from that one 7th grade teacher she hated with a burning passion. Looking down at her schedule, she read. Period 1, Math. '
She thought to herself. The class she hated most was her first class of the day.
'This is gonna be fun'
You could say this is her luck.
Paper in hand, a thought appeared in her head. She stopped.
'I wonder who my teacher is.'
Lifting up her paper, she read
Period 1- Math 8. Teacher-
"Y/n You finally made it!! We've been waiting so long for you!!"
Y/n looked up, and saw her two friends, Star and Tara.
" Sooo... what's your first class?"
Tara asked,
"Ughh..." replied y/n, "I have math first."
"Oh damn." Tara whispered, "That sucks."
At that moment, Star's face lit up with interest.
"Wait... who's your math teacher??"
Y/n looked at Star, then Tara, who were both eager to know. She then looked down at her paper, which she had yet to read.
"Lemme check really quick. Hmm I think it says-"
Star immediately snatched the paper from her hand.
"no way-! Do you UNDERSTAND How lucky you are-?!"
Y/n stared at Star with a confused face.
"Star, are you even talking about?!"
"Didn't you know? Mr McDonald is like, one of the hottest teachers at this school! He has like, this thing about him that just makes him sooo attractive. Not only that, but he's a pretty good teacher."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.
"Idk, I'd have to meet him first to see, because no offense or anything, but your guy's taste in men is... questionable to say the least..."
Star quickly grabbed Y/Ns shoulders, making her look into her eyes.
"TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. He wont upset u."
Y/N laughed un ironically.
"Whatever you say."

Shoot I gotta get to class.
Y/N was rushing down the almost empty halls, hoping she would get to her class on time. Her and her friends were too busy fixing themselves up in the bathroom that they lost count of time. She did not want to be late, after all, it was barley the first day. Walking down the halls, she quickly fixed her sleeves. She was almost done when she heard footsteps in front of her.
"Woahhh. Better watch where your going."
A deep, unfamiliar voice filled her ears, and slowly looking up, she saw the person in front of her.
A fairly built man with blond hair and fair skin stood in front of her. Judging by his build, you could tell he worked out. He wore a black button up which highlighted his muscles.On his left hand sat a gold watch with diamonds, sparkling in the sunlight. His right hand gripped a metal box, the tight grip pointing out his veins. His hair looked slightly gelled, a good look on him. She could smell the faint scent of cologne on his skin. He looked good. Really. Good. Y/n breathed in.
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm just trying get to my class."
The stranger then told her
"Me too. Gotta get to my math class quickly before my students beat me to it, you know?"
He answered, with a slight chuckle.
Y/n tilted her head slightly.
'Is he a teacher? He looks young- and even then, what does he even teach-?'
As if he was able to read her mind, he answered,
"You might not know me yet."
Y/n looked down at his keychain, where his name tag sat.
No. Fucking. Way.
With a smile, he started,
"Nice to meet you. I'm Mr. McDonald."

Mr McDaddy x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now