What is going on?

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"Yes, Steve, what's wrong?" You didn't see anything. Just blackness.
"I need her, y/n, but I can't find her! She wanted to have a dance with me but then there was this crash and now everything is just pitch black and I can't find her. I need to wake up from this coma."
"Steve, you aren't in a coma or whatever. You are in your mind, in your memory. We have 2021, Steve."
"No, it's-"
"Steve, no. It's 2021. Peggy is probably not even alive anymore. You were gone for about 70 years, remember? Steve?"
"I need to go back to her."
"Okay... Steve? Come here."
"Just try to imagine us standing next to each other okay?" After a few seconds, you could see him in front of you. "Good job! Now take my hands and think of Peggy where you want to meet her. But it needs to be a memory, okay?"
A little while later you were standing in a very strange environment and a beautiful lady was standing in front of you.
"Rogers!", she said with a smile. Everything got blurry, you suddenly felt nauseous and fell to the ground. You began to cough which was a bad combination with your nausea.
"Y/n! Y/n!"
"Tony, what do we do? What is wrong with her?"
"Do I look like a fucking medical doctor to you?!"
"Banner! Perfect! You gotta help here."
"Who's this?"
"It's y/n, the new-"
"Y/n, you have to breathe slowly, okay? Listen to me, y/n, breathe slowly." But you felt like you couldn't breathe at all, how should you breathe slowly then?
"What's happening here?", Steve asked.
"Get her in my lab, please, Steve."

"Huh...?", slowly you opened your eyes, but the lights were so goddamn bright, that you thought they wanted to kill you, so you closed them again.
"Y/n, are you awake?" You groaned. "Do you need anything?"
"The light...", you said so quietly that you weren't sure if someone could even hear you. A few minutes later it seemed to be darker through your closed eyes so you opened them again and this time it was way better. "Hello, darkness... my old... friend", you said strained, and instead of a laugh that wanted to be followed, you coughed.
"Easy, y/n. Take it easy. You shouldn't talk now. Do you know where you are?" You shook your head slowly. "You are in my laboratory. Do you know what happened?" You tried to think about it and even though you remembered everything before you passed out, you couldn't comprehend what happened. "I take this as a no. So basically you used your ability and passed out. I ran some tests and it seems like your ability is improving though it seems to be pretty unstable. I need to run some more tests to figure out how to help you." Sighing you closed your eyes.
You had an oxygen mask on which was pretty annoying and you just wanted to take it off. You opened your eyes and saw that the man had left the room so you took it off, yet immediately regretted what you had done because again you couldn't breathe. The alarm of the monitor went crazy and not just the man came running to you, even Steve, Natasha and Tony joined.
"Why did you take it off?", the man growled. He was pretty pissed and you could be happy that you were in a bad place already, otherwise, he probably would have beaten you up like everyone else already wanted to.
The man came over and put the mask on you again, while you had gotten a bit dizzy already. But before anything could happen, he had finished, went back to his computer and let out a big sigh. "Don't do that again", he warned you.
"I don't think she belongs here", Tony said. You tried to hit the bed to get someone's attention but no one seemed to care. Or maybe they just didn't see it. Was it even enough to make any noise at all? You were pretty weak so it could have also been possible that it was so low that you barely moved your hand while it felt like you were carrying a mountain.

After a while, the man came to you to draw some more blood. "Did you use your ability again?" You shook your head. "Okay. Tony, come here."
Tony walked over to you, but he was definitely not happy about it. "What's wrong Banner?"
"Wear this glove and touch her, please."
Tony put on the glove and put his hand on your head. "So what now?", Tony asked confused.
"Y/n, do you feel anything?" You shook your head. "Great. Now take it off and do it again."
Tony got rid of the glove and threw it into a corner of the room. Again he put his hand on your head. Pictures were coming up, feelings were overloading you. Panic, tragedy, sadness. Nightmares. Oh, what nightmares you saw there, it was too much. You tried to get away somehow, but you barely moved an inch. You tried to scream, but it was just a weird noise coming out of your mouth.
"Away. Tony get your hand off y/n!"
No new pictures or feelings of Tony got to you, but they were still a part of you. They were stuck in your head now and all you wanted was to cry and scream.
"Y/n, you okay?", Tony asked carefully. He wanted to stroke your head, but Banner got his arm before he could touch you again. Thank god. "What happened?", Tony asked, "Was it my fault?" Tony began to breathe faster. With all the power you had left, you reached your hand out to Tony to show him support but it seemed like it didn't work.
"Do you want Tony to be closer?", Banner asked and you nodded. Tony came closer, reaching out his hand as close as possible but not too close so that he didn't touch you again. You took his hand and just held it. Banner wanted to interrupt, but let it be when he saw that nothing was happening. "I really have to figure this out", he mumbled. Tony's breathing slowed down and he smiled a little. But just a few minutes later you passed out of exhaustion.

Y/N and the AvengersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt