Barrels up a hill

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Norman, there wasn't much you could say about him. On the outside he looked fairly normal and average, and did not have any habits people would deem weird. So why the hell do people always stay away from him? That was the question he asked himself all the time, sitting in class, laying in bed, no matter where he was, the question followed him.

"Why don't people like me?"

Yet the question ever seemed to stop, through middle school and was even tailing him through his 8th grade summer. The summer had just begun and he found himself with no one to hang out with, no friends, no cousins, nothing.

So when his parents asked what he was doing out all day he simply replied by walking around taking in the view, though he spent most of his time down at the harbor, looking at ships. He admired the sailors who went out everyday into the big blue ocean. He wishes he could do that now, just drop everything and go live out on the sea for months, the sea wouldn't ignore him. heck it'd even try and throw him off of his boat.

Norman always thought once he's out there he wouldn't be bothered with the question "why don't people like me?" little did he know in that moment that his question would be answered and all his troubles would be whisked away very soon.


*beep* *beep* *beep*

The alarm clock could be heard in the distance, Norman sat up in his bed. Yet another day of summer awaited him, it seemed to drag out having nothing to fill his day besides sitting at the harbor.

It was lonely, he had to admit. never having anyone to listen to him ramble along about certain types of ships, or how long journeys would take from take off at port. He was lonely but he was fine.

With this Norman hopped out of bed and changed out of his pajamas making his way down the set of stairs, he was using the upstairs loft as his room since his brother had moved out to collage a few months ago. What a relief that was really, he hated his brother always telling him he was a freak and stupid for not being able to make friends.

Norman was greeted with an empty house when he got downstairs, his parents must've gone somewhere again. Who knows where, Norman made his way past the many mirrors that crowded the front of their house to the mud room where he put on his blue sneakers.

He smiled once he had them tied, he'd been buying the same type as long as he remembered, they were comfortable what he could say. The boy liked what he liked. Was that such a crime?

Norman walked out the door of his house not forgetting to grab the spare key that sat under the rug before he left. He walked his way out to the harbor and sat down on the grassy hill that overlooked the lake. He smiled down at the scene of all the port men walking around the long and narrow decks throwing out buoys catching fish. Whatever they could do they were doing it.

He looked out onto the waters, it was high tide at the moment so that meant in a few hours the water would be low enough to walk around the marsh. Norman looked down the treeline seein how each and every tree filled up a space that made it seem like a mighty wall keeping people away.

Sometimes he wondered why kids found it so scary, he never found it threatening as a child. But many times on dark nights or times where festivals were going on he heard some kids daring each to go in there. To each their own he guessed.

Norman got over to the harbor and sat off to the side so we could see everything that was going on while staying out the way.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing!? I said ''bring those fish to the dock not leave them here!" The boy could hear from the distance, this knocked him out of his own head and he looked over to see what was wrong. Norman eyed the men on the ship, nothing but the man apologizing and carrying out the job, his mind was probably wondering like Normans. Or at least that's what he assumed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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