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Alyana's pov:

I was sitting in Fiza's lounge, with Alaya sleeping in my arms and Emaad sitting next to me. Rehman bhai sat across us.

"I really was astonished just knowing how we were destined to meet", Rehman bhai smiled. Emaad nodded.

"Rehman! at 7pm match between Pakistan and England will start", Fiza walked in the lounge with a tray full of tea cups. Emaad's head turned to her side and then at the clock.

"Hey it's already 6:55", Emaad told. Rehman bhai stood from his seat and turned the television on.

"Ya Illahi I didn't meant to make these two people leave their wives", Fiza sighed. I chuckled. Fiza placed the tray on the table and started handing us the cups.

"If you girls want to talk, you can talk peacefully in the room, we might shout or throw things, we can't guarantee", Rehman bhai laughed. I shrugged my head with a chuckle.

"Oh yes, Alyana come on". With that being said by Fiza, both of us moved to her room.


"YESSS OUT", Shouts were heard from the lounge.

"Well Ammi (mom) and Abbu (dad) said they will come in Alaya's first bi-", I was interrupted.


"So when's her birt-", Fiza was interrupted.


"This is crazy", I grumbled.

"shall we go out?", Fiza asked and I nodded. Alaya was nagging in my embrace. She was awake and was being fed. I walked out of Fiza's room with Alaya in my arms. "Rehman and Emaad bhai we weren't peaceful sitting there as we can hear you shouting", Fiza complained.

"We said we can't guarantee", Emaad said. Emaad's hands clasped together with his eyes glued to the screen. Alaya almost slipped out of my embrace when she saw Emaad.

"I ordered pizza and burgers so be ready for the dinner", Fiza told.

"Fiza there was no need to do that, we were about to leave as you need to rest too and we m-", I was interrupted.

"NO Alyana, don't even think about me getting tired because of you. You people are my family and this is our re-uniting party", Fiza said with a smile while putting her hand on my shoulder. I smiled heartedly, knowing how generous she was.

I sat on the couch next to Emaad while fiza sat next to rehman bhai. Emaad didn't played attention to me but Alaya jumped on him. I gasped when I though Alaya would fall but thankfully Emaad gripped on her.

"What are you doing baby?!", Emaad asked while placing Alaya on his lap.

"Dadda", Alaya bobbed her head in happiness. Fiza smiled looking at Alaya amd Emaad. I smiled too. But I knew that moment was just temporary.

"OUT OUT OUTTTTTT", Rehman bhai made both me and fiza startled as she jumped up from the couch. Emaad also stood up with a wide smile and gave him  a high five. I laughed.


After all the party and meetup. We went home. Emaad was laying on the bed while Alaya was laying next to him, watching something with him. I was next to Alaya. I turned the lights off and left a lamp on. I laid down as if Emaad doesn't exist. Neither I said anything to him nor he said anything to me. childish.

"mommy pampi chage (diaper change)", Alaya said. I stood up immediately.

"Come with me, fast", I said holding her in my arms and walking to the bathroom in a hurry.

After that, I got done with changing her diaper. I placed Alaya on the bed and went to the cupboard to took her pajama. When I walked back to her, She crawled to her father. Emaad chuckled looking at her.

"ALAYA wear your pajama", I said walking to Emaad's side to pick up that naughty kid. Alaya pulled the quilts on her and I sighed. I moved forward towards Emaad so that I pick Alaya but instead I fell on him unbalancing. I winced as my knee got hit with the bed but Emaad held me before I could fall flatly on him. I tried to stand but my legs gave up. It felt as if my knee was scratched and bleeding. I winced as I couldn't stretch my knee.

"What happened?", Emaad asked as he made me sit across him. I tapped on my knee and pulled my finger back as I felt a sting.

"My knee is bleeding I guess", I sighed sadly.

"Let me see", he held my leg and stetched it immediately due to which a sharp yelp escaped my lips. Emaad rolled my pajama upwards, my thighs were seen. Gazing at my bruised knee he said, "You need to apply something before it worsens".

"No need for that, I will be okay", I said rolling my pajama down and standing up with a hiss. Emaad shrugged his head in disappointment. "Alaya! come here now", I said sternly. Emaad picked Alaya before she could crawl to the other side. Emaad held her firmly ignoring her kicks and tantrums. I changed her pajama and picked her in my arms. "Such a naughty kid you are, see how much pain your mommy is bearing", I spoke softly looking at her. Alaya gibberished whatever it was and let me hold her. I limped towards the other side of the bed and laid Alaya in between me and Emaad. I laid too. I turned off the lights except for the lamp.

I turned my head towards Emaad's direction only to see him drifting off to sleep. How peaceful he looked while sleeping. Alaya hugged me and I pulled the quilts over her.


My eyes opened suddenly from the weight I had on myself. I looked at my either sides only to see Alaya was sleeping over myself and Emaad had his face buried in the crook of my neck while his hand was over me and Alaya.

Seriously when did it all happened?

I felt breathless so I lightly laid Alaya next to me. I was about to sleep when Emaad's hand tightly grasped my waist and pulled me towards himself.

"Emaad", I called hesitantly. He didn't answered.

"Emaad?". Still no answer.

"Emaaaaaad?". Still he didn't budged but instead his breath fanned my neck.

"Fine, I give up", I sighed as I wanted to sleep. Never did I realised when did I slept.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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