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Author's pov:

"Don't touch me again", Alyana pushed Emaad backwards as she got out of his grip. She held the busy baby in her arms. Alaya started nagging the moment she saw her mother distracting her from her new interest. "ALAYA", Alyana scolded as Alaya tried to slip out from Alyana's grip. Alaya started crying the moment she heard her mother shout at her.

"Why are you scolding her?", Emaad said as he picked the pen and gave it to Alaya. Alaya quietened seeing the pen in her small hand.

"Go home, here people might be curious where there boss is", Emaad said as he kissed on Alaya's forehead.

"OH yeah, you are ashamed to tell them I am your wife, right", Alyana scoffed.

"That's not it, I am not letting them meddle in my private matters at all", Emaad stated. Alyana rolled her eyes.

"Yeah sure, its a nice excuse", She turned around to leave but Emaad stopped her from her wrist.

"If not you, atleast let my baby bid me a goodbye kiss". Emaad moved closer to Alaya. Alyana looked at both the father and daughter with an awe. Not soon Alyana's eyes widened when Emaad abruptly connected his lips with Alyana's. He moved his lips but Alyana didn't answered his kiss. Emaad felt his heartbeat accelerating. Alyana placed her hand on Emaad's cheek and moved his face to the other side.

"You are not ashamed to do this infront of your daughter Emaad", Alyana yelled. Emaad was frustrated to know how Alyana was pushing him away.

"Alya...", before he could say her name, Alyana walked out of his office slamming the doors shut.


"Mommy~", Alaya cried. Alyana sighed and stood from the couch, putting Alaya's head on her shoulder and rub her back to soothe her.

"Alaya tell mama what do you want?", Alyana was getting worried seeing hiw she was naghing over nothing. It was not so like her. Alaya is a soft, calm and affectionate kid. She doesn't bother Alyana that much but after coming home from Emaad's office, Alaya started crying and pushing all the things away.

"A-uth (out)", Alaya flew her arms in the air. Alyana stopped and then realised what she was crying for. Alyana was surprised to know that Alaya loved going out.

"You want to go out with mommy?", She asked. Alaya squealed in response. Alyana sighed in relief knowing it was not something severe.


Alyana's pov:

I was in the kitchen putting the things that I bought from the supermarket. Alaya slept so I put her to bed as it was already 9pm. Emaad didn't came home yet as always. I made boiled rice with some chicken curry and was about to serve myself the dinner when the front door opened. I felt my mind have absurd thoughts knowing it couldn't be Emaad but a thief or-

I was proved wrong when Emaad came walking in. He put his shoes in the rack and started wearing off his coat. He looked at his watch then his eyes suddenly trailed towards the kitchen where I stood. I immediately turned my gaze towards the plate in my hands and started putting the food on the dining table. Emaad entered the kitchen and loosened his tie. He hissed and my eyes immediately trailed to him. He rubbed his temples with a frown. I looked at him but tried to not get soft over a headache, he might take it forgranted.

"W-Water", his voice came out as a whispered stutter. I looked at him with horror knowing his eyes were closed and he hung his head low like he was in a bad condition. I immediately filled a glass with water and walked to him swiftly. He held the glass and his hands were shivering. I at first was unable to understand his situation but then I placed my hand on his forehead and saw how hot his forehead was.

"You are burning, you have fever", I said with concern laced in my voice. Emaad just nodded and placed the glass on the table. "Did you ate something since this morning?", I asked as I arranged the food on the table. He shrugged. "Emaad what are you doing to yourself seriously", I grumbled. I put the plate of food infront of him. "Eat it then I will give you the medicine", I more likely ordered him. Emaad looked up at me with his droopy eyes. I mouthed him, 'eat it'. Emaad held the spoon in his hands and I poured the curry on rice. He put a spoonful of rice in his mouth and slowly started eating it as if he was hungry since last year. I sat next to him and starting eating as I aas hungry too.

After eating in comfortable silence, I put the dishes in the basin. I walked to Emaad. "Come on, sit on the bed and I will give you some medicine". Emaad stood up obeying and sulked to our room with slow steps. I opened my side table drawer and took out the tablet for fever and headache. I poured water from the jug in the glass that was already on my dressing table and handed it to Emaad. Emaad accepted it and gulped down the tablet.

"T-Thanks..", Hus voice came out as a whisper but it was audible enough for me to hear. I smiled. I was about to put the blanket over Alaya, who was laying next to Emaad but she woke up the moment I put the blanket on her. She sat up and looked at her either sides. She stretched and smiled seeing Emaad. Quite fascinating. Emaad smiled looking at her and she crawled towards him. Emaad immediately became defensive. "NO don't come near daddy, he's sick", He said as he looked at me for help. I immediately picked Alaya in my arms and then stood next to Emaad.

"Well you have fever and headache so its not a big deal but if she comes to you when you have flu then you really have to keel a safe distance", I stated, my mother mode turned on.

"I am just being careful", Emaad said and I nodded. It was time to feed Alaya because the time was 12am already. I was about to go to the other of the bed so I feed my little girl but Emaad held my hand. I stopped despite alaya squirming in my arms. "Sit next to me", He said. I nibbled my lower lip.

"I-a-Alaya is hungry", I said not looking at him. I could sense him frowning.

"I am your husband", He retaliated.

"I-um-I can-"

"Why can't you its not the fir-", before he could say more I sat on the bed next to him but pulled his blanket all over me with a halt which made his mouth go open.

What is wrong with him?


to be continued...

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