𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8

Start from the beginning

"Kinda do." Andie nodded with a frown.

"Leave him alone." Scarlett scolded her brother as if she was talking to a little kid, receiving a grateful smile from Alaric.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here." Alaric said, glancing at Andie.

"Andie, she's been compelled not to divulge my secrets." Damon reassured Alaric before looking at Andie "Haven't you?" He asked her.

"Uh-huh." Andie hummed before she leaned in, giving Damon a peck on his lips. "Mmm. My lips are sealed." She added giving Damon another peck as Scarlett and Alaric watched them in disgust.

"This is too weird." Alaric commented.

"Tell me about it." Scarlett mumbled in agreement before taking a sip of the bourbon she had.

"I just need the right opportunity." Damon said, glancing at the door when he opened "Ah, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend." Damon said which made both Scarlett and Alaric look behind them to see Elijah and Jenna walking over to them. "Hi." Damon smiled at them once they walked up to the table they sat at.

"Hey, guys." Jenna greeted with a happy smile while Elijah sent his own smile to Scarlett in a greeting to which she ignored.

"So I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today." Damon mentioned, noticing the smile Elijah sent his sister's way.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Jenna shrugged right before Alaric sighed as he started gathering his things.

"Well, as much as I'd like to continue this," he said, standing up "I've got papers to grade." He said before throwing down some money on the table.

"No, you know what?" Andie cut in, gaining everybody's attention "We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party."

"Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?" Damon asked looking between everyone and Scarlett scoffed, pulling her phone out of her purse.

"It's good for me." Andie said with a shrug before looking at Jenna "Jenna?"

"I don't know if tonight works..." Alaric started but got cut off by Jenna.

"Yeah, I'm free." Jenna cut in and everybody except Scarlett who was on her phone looked at Elijah.

When Damon seen Elijah glancing between everybody before he noticed that his eyes stopped at Scarlett "Scarlett will be there."

"I will?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow before quietly hissing in pain when Damon had kicked her under the table "I will!" She said with a innocent smile as she looked at every one before letting her eyes stop on Elijah.

He sighed, smiling at Jenna "It'd be a pleasure." Elijah finally agreed, glancing at Scarlett who sent him a quick glare.


"Amazing." Scarlett sarcastically agreed, giving them a tight lipped smile.


"Good evening." Elijah greeted when Scarlett opened up the door.

She gave him a fake smile "Elijah." She nodded in a greeting. "Please come in before I shut the door on your face without so much of a thought."

Infatuation • Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now