Chapter 5: Wait, You're a Demon?!

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The fifth chapter is finally here! So, this is the chapter where Vox reveals himself to you, and confessed his love for you. UwU

Enjoy~ ;3

(point-of-view of Vox)

I was now hiding in some bushes, outside of the apartment building where that pretty human lived, thinking about her. Oh, she's just like an innocent and naive angel who was never so sinful, that a demon like me would fall for her- w-wait! No, no, no; demons cannot be together with neither angels nor humans. But this human, she has softened my cold heart. Suddenly, something came over me.

"Maybe I should show myself to her, that I'm a demon. But wait, what if, she would be scared of me?", I thought. I wanted to show her that I'm a demon from Hell, the underground, but, I don't know if I can do it; she would be scared seeing me as a demon. I then began to think, debating on whether I should show myself to that cute human or not.

(later, it was now 7:00PM)

Finally, after debating for hours, I decided to do it; I'm going to show her who I really am. "I'm doing it; I'll show her who I really was", I said to myself, getting out of the bushes, then teleporting into the apartment building.

Now, I'm in the living room. I looked around, to see where that human was, but she's not there. "She must be out", I thought. Suddenly I heard footsteps outside, and they seem to be getting closer, right in front of the front door. "Must be the human", I thought, then hiding behind the couch. Hearing the door unlocked and opened, I heard her walk in.

(point-of-view of Y/N)

I came back from buying McDonald's for dinner, cuz I'm not in the mood for cooking my own dinner. Placing the food on the table, I went into my bedroom to get changed.

After getting changed, I walked back into the kitchen to eat. I then sat on the chair, preparing to dig it. But before I could get my hands on the food, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. Once I felt it, I turned around, to see a.. TV? I squeaked and got out of my chair, scared to see this humanoid being with a TV for a head. "Who, who the f*ck are you..?! And what are you doing here in my apartment?!", I asked, frightened and shaking in fear, backing away from this creature; he looked humanoid, but with a TV screen for a head, and is wearing a top hat with the WI-FI symbol on it. He wore a pinstriped suit, and the thing about him that frightened me the most, was his sharp teeth, and red eyes; one eye is shown to be bigger than the other, as it had black swirls and a jagged pupil. I don't know what this being was but whatever he is, I gotta get out of here in case he tries to kill me!

(point-of-view of Vox)

I finally showed myself to the human, and I also finally got to see more of her; this is her! She really is cute and her cuteness really did softened my cold demeanor, showing my softer side. However, she seems to be scared upon seeing me. "Girl, my name is Vox, and.. I'm a demon", I said, walking towards her, but she was still shaking in fear. "You're a.. demon?!", she gasped, backing away more. "Are you g-going to possess me? Please, don't, Mr. Demon!", she added, with her voice shaky. "Calm down, I'm not going to possess you", I said in a soft tone of voice. "I may be a demon; so normally, I'm evil when I'm in Hell, but you, you cute human, have exposed my softer side", I smiled, finally in front of her. I looked down at her, stroking her soft H/C hair; the feeling of her hair felt like silk, which could be part of her cute nature that has softened me.

(point-of-view of Y/N)

I can't believe it.. there's this TV demon in my apartment, and he's right in front of me! But.. strangely, he's actually sweet and gentle to me; I, I don't understand. How can it be? Usually, demons are evil, and they possess people, but him, he's so nice to me, that I actually have softened him up.

"My name is Vox, the TV Overlord of the underground, Hell", he introduced himself, then holding my hand. "Vox? That's a, pretty cool name!", I smiled, warming up as my fear for him faded away. "Why, thank you, human", he smiled, gently kissing my hand, which made me blush. "And who, might you be?", Vox asked, smiling at me. "I'm, Y/N", I shyly answered. "Y/N; Such a pretty cute name for a pretty cute human like you", the TV Demon chuckled. "So, um.. Vox, why are you here in the living world? How on Earth did you get here?", I asked. "Let me explain", he said, sitting on the chair of the table where the food I bought was placed on. I sat down as well.


"Wait, so you're saying, that you were the one who entered my apartment, and made me those waffles this whole time?", I asked as I took a bite out of my F/F (favorite flavor) McFlurry. "Yes, yes I did", Vox nodded, taking a bite out of his burger. "I kinda felt a little guilty for breaking in, and touching your stuff while you're out, so I wanted to make you those waffles so I can apologize", I said. "I see.."

As I ate my F/F McFlurry, I felt a hand touch my hand holding the spoon. I looked to see that it was Vox. "Y/N.. I, I got something to say here..", he said, blushing a bit. "Hm? What is it?", I asked, looking at him. Vox took a deep breath, then sighed. "I, I love you", he whispered, which caused my eyes widened. "You, you do?", I asked, looking at him in his red eyes. "Y-yes, from the moment I first saw you, you have softened my cold heart; I don't care if you're human and I'm a demon, but, I love you, no matter what", he confessed, which made me blush upon hearing those words. I gently placed down my McFlurry, then held both his hands. "I, I love you, too, Vox", I whispered, then slowly, I softly kissed him on the lips, which made him blush, and sparks of electric coming out of him, and also his screen heating, which I felt. "V-Vox? Are you okay?", I asked as I parted away from the kiss, to see him blushing and sparks coming out of him. "N-nothing, it's just that, that happens whenever I blush hard", Vox chuckled.

(timeskip brought to you by Dance and TTYLXOX mashup (~‾▿‾)~)

Ever since then, me and Vox have been a couple; we were always there for each other. I also kept a promise to not let anyone know that he's a demon, and to keep our relationship a secret from everyone else. I'm not scared of him being a demon anymore. In fact, I've grown an instant liking to him as a demon with a soft side for me. Whenever we went out together, he would disguise as a human so that no one will know that I'm with him, the TV Demon.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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