Chapter 9 - I Am Aladdin

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"Hey buddy. You good?" Aehyeon enters the room holding a basket of fruits.

"Hi buddy, yeah I'm fine." Junil answers, not minding his stinging foot.

"You didn't have to come over. I was just sprained. It's normal for athletes." Junil added. However, Aehyeon wasn't convinced.

"Pain is pain. No matter how severe or mild that is, it still hurts." Aehyeon sighs.

"And also I came here because..." She paused. It's hard to tell. How on earth can you tell your friend that he's being replaced on the play without hurting his feelings?

"I know. I'll help you guys find another that can do it for me." Junil continued. Meanwhile, Aehyeon was left shocked.

"Y-you knew already?" She stutters, biting her lip. Junil just nods.

"Actually, I was the one who suggested to just find someone rather than changing to another story. You know the play is in 5 days, if you'll change to another story, you'll have to do everything all over again." He smiles but it didn't reached his eyes. He's hurting. Who wouldn't be hurt if you gave your best memorizing the script and practicing but ended up not performing, right?

"So, do you have someone on your mind?" Junil hesitantly asked.

"Actually, we're thinking of asking Leo but..." Aehyeon stops and looked at Junil's eyes.

"I know he's kinda busy and...none of us have courage to to him." Aehyeon partly lied. Why?

She was thinking of using her wishes but she realized that this would be too much and it'll look like she's taking Leo for granted. She felt bad in a way so she didn't pursue. Then she thought of asking Junil's help to convince Leo.

"I can. He'll never resist me. Just text me the schedule of the next rehearsals so I can tell him when to go." Swallowing pride, Junil agrees. Besides, its his friend anyways. He'll prefer giving his role to someone he knows will do well rather than a nobody.

"I know its hard but...thank you Nilie. We'll do our best on behalf of you." Aehyeon smiles sincerely.

"It's nothing, Hyeonie. I'm sure he'll come here later. I'll convince him and I won't leave him alone until he says yes." Junil giggles.

Aehyeon stayed a bit longer at the hospital. Junil's foot is elevated. It wasn't supposed to be that bad if he didn't forced it and continue on the second quarter. He should be okay for 2 weeks. For now, he can't even go to school.


Leo was busy prepping the store when his phone rings.

[on the phone]


Leo where the heck
are you? You suddenly
vanished after classes!

I helped Sangwon a little
before I went to work. I'm
here at the record store.

We'll visit Junil. He's
injured. Wanna come?

Shoot. I still have 2 hours
before my out. I'll just
follow there. Is he okay?
What happened anyway?

Well he wanted to know
how many fish he can
catch inside the court.
He sprained an ankle!
Then he didn't stopped
until the second quarter
and forced his poor foot.
Now it's worsen and he
will be absent for a couple
of weeks.

Junil will always be Junil.
Anyways, I have to go.
There are customers. I'll
see you guys later.

Ara. Bye~


[call ended]

"Good evening, ma'am, sir! How may I help you?" Leo started entertaining customers.

The last 2 hours of his shift went too long. Leo was getting impatient because he's worrying over his bestfriend. When the clock finally hits 9, he immediately log off and closed the store.

He rushed his way to the hospital, hoping to reach there before his friends come home. He checked his phone and saw James texted him Junil's room number. He dashed to the elevator while replying he's already there.

The door suddenly blasted revealing Leo who is panting.

"Junil! Are you okay?" Leo came asking Junil immediately, walking closer to his bed.

"Why does everyone has the same question? I'm fine my goodness it's just a minor injury." Junil retorted.

"Minor injury my ass. Is that why you forced it until you can't walk anymore?" Sangwon asked while raising a brow. Junil just rolled his eyes. They just had a little chitchat about how their day went and such until it's time to part ways.

"Guys, it's getting late. And I need to discuss something to Leo. You can go home now." Junil stated. James and Sangwon just nodded leaving the two.

"What's up?" Leo asked nervously. He wonders what will they talk about.

"You do know I'm part of the theater and...with this condition, I can't perform. The officers talked and well, think that you'd fit filling my role. Will you do it for me?" Sighs. Junil did his puppy eyes and how the heck can one refuse him anyways? But...

"Junil I'd do it if it's for you but you know I have a packed sched. I don't know how to fit those rehearsals you take if I won't give up either my job or training. And you know I can't let go neither of that." Sadly, Leo had to disagree.

"I'll talk to our teachers. They'll understand if you'd skip some classes. Besides this is just for 5 days. You can also earn incentives so I assure you won't have a failing grade." Junil suggests. Defeated. Leo sighed once more.

"If I'm not mistaken, the play is 'Aladdin' right? What was your role again?" Leo asked and saw Junil hesitating to answer.

"Well...I am...Aladdin." Junil stated making Leo's eyes widen.

"What?! I'm taking over the main role?! How long is the script?!" Leo gasped. He thought he'll just play as a parrot or something.

"Around...20 pages?" Junil innocently smiles. Leo is ready to faint. 20 pages?! How will he memorize 20 pages in 5 days?!

"You're kidding right?" He can't process the information.

"Partly. It was supposed to be around 35 but we cut off some scenes so it became just 20, plus the songs will be singing live." Junil responded. Aladdin had a bunch of songs! If memorizing the songs alone is hard enough, what more if you added the whole script?!

"Sangwon is a good vocal too. I'm off." Leo attempts to walk out but Junil held his arm.

"Sangwon can't because he's already part of the council. Plus they need  someone who'll fit beside Aehyeon." Leo's ear perks out at the name he heard.

"Aehyeon?" Leo asked innocently.

"She was my partner, now yours. She's playing as Princess Jasmine." Junil stated.


[A/N]: Confession number 1, I don't have any drafts for this story so everytime I drop, it's the only thing that I can drop. Not actually favorable because on my other story, I have more like 20 chapters in the drafts😅 I write here if something pops on my mind which is luckily still working so yeaahhhh with the foundation day I should come up with another few chapters before having writer's block again SORRY LONG ASS AUTHOR'S NOTE I'M OFF! SEE YOU NEXT UPDATE!

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