I Fell In Love

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Again, Lisa didn't know what was wrong, didn't know what she did these past few weeks to make Jennie act so strangely. They sat beside one another in the living room and again, Jennie's gaze had gone distant—distracted.

Lisa had known Jennie before they've ever debuted and has witnessed Jennie— a handful of times — going deep into her own head. The brunette was prone to withdrawing while still appearing fine. To others of course, never to Lisa. Especially within these past few weeks.

Carefully, and hesitantly, Lisa slid her hand to her side. She ghosted her finger tips over Jennie's hand, too afraid to actually touch.

The last time she accidentally touched Jennie, the brunette flinched and stared at her best friend as if she burned her. It was a sight that had yet to leave Lisa's memory.


And just like that, Jennie blinked and focused her gaze back to the concern swimming in Lisa's doe eyes as if she had forgotten the short haired girl sat beside her.

"Yeah?" Her voice was small, barely audible and Lisa was becoming slightly frustrated. It sounded as if Lisa was the last person she wanted to talk to at that very moment.

Lisa's head spun, and the relentless itching resumed, like a sharp nail trailing along her spine, her legs, her scalp and it would not stop no matter how much she scratched.

She tried smiling, forcing out a breathless chuckle, "Where'd you go just now?"

Looking down again, Jennie slid her hand away from Lisa and Lisa didn't hold back a sigh as she pulled her own hand back again. Jennie lifted her feline eyes and swept it over the frown on Lisa's face before blinking again and looking away,

"Nowhere. Just tired, I guess." Her tone, bland and bored. Lisa clenched her jaw and closed her hand tightly, trying to remain calm. But then the familiar text tone of Jennie's phone went off. Instinctively, Lisa looked at the screen and grew even angrier.

Hoyeon: Hey, I'm outside.

It didn't help that Jennie immediately grabbed her phone and typed away before sliding it into her pocket. What made matters worse for the Thai was watching Jennie grabbing her purse and standing up. The action had Lisa's fist aching to make contact with anything.

"Leaving?" Lisa asked, now looking down at her lap, trying to distract herself from spitting out words she wouldn't be able to take back.

Jennie hummed, "Yeah, I'm going to hang out with Hoyeon," she shouldered her purse, "Can you tell Jisoo and Rosé for me if they ask?" She asked, already making her way towards the door without a second glance.

"Okay," this time it was Lisa that sounded small, however, weaker than Jennie. She felt so weak. As if each step Jennie took away from her, her energy bar went lower and lower. "But Nini?"

Jennie froze, shoulders tensed from Lisa's tone and Lisa stared at the back of Jennie's head, hoping—wishing she'd turn around. Praying she'd meet happy feline eyes and the smile that always made her heart flutter.

"Yeah?" Bored. Bland. Lisa's heart cracked.

"Never mind, have fun."

Jennie nodded and simply walked out.

And Lisa was tired.

The next few days, Lisa decided to stay in her own apartment, needing time alone, time to breathe and think. It would've been easier if the three members didn't show up to her door, inviting her to go out with them to the beach.

"You want to go to the beach... at 11pm?" Lisa asked, eyebrows furrowed with an amused grin. She eyed all of their eyes and of course lingered on avoiding feline eyes. Her grin wavered, "I don't know girls, it's pretty cold out."

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