Serendipity 2.0

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Jennie | Per requested.

The date was not going to happen. Jennie was only going to his place to break up with him. Egotistic pricks were never her type. He was sweet, yes, for a while but then his true colors suddenly came out and Jennie was beyond disgusted.

This is why she mainly dates woman.

So, she knocked on the door and turned around, facing away from the door, muttering her break up lines to herself.

"Look Mino, this is just not going to work out. It was fun while it lasted but you're a complete asshole so, yeah, bye. Good luck with life." She shook her head and sighed, "Okay, maybe that was a little too harsh."

She wasn't relatively nervous. Her heart beat was steady so she obviously had this break up in the bag. Confident? Yes. But that said confidence instantly vanished when a sweet, kind voice was heard after the door was opened. It was pretty it was sweet and now, Jennie was nervous.

"Hi, you must be Mino's girlfriend."

Please be ugly, is what she repeatedly chanted in her head as she turned around, but then her eyes were suddenly fixed on wide, brown doe eyes and oh my, she could feel her gay panic erupting in her chest.

The woman was tall, slender and so dang pretty. With her long, jet black hair cascading down her shoulders and hanging loosely around her perfectly structured face. Most bangs don't tend to work on people, but for the Barbie like creature in front of her, it works quite well and Jennie may have a heart attack.

Jennie couldn't look away. She should look away. Jumping this woman in front of her was not part of the agenda. Especially when the woman was staring at Jennie like she was a piece of art as well.

Her eyes were so intense that Jennie could feel a blush painting her cheeks. Those eyes that carried over every detail of her flushed, shy features and those plump lips had her forgetting why she was there in the first place. She wrung her fingers nervously,

"Y-Yes. May I come in?" Proper. Way too proper Kim. Did you have to sound like the queen of England? Jennie mentally scolded herself. The woman in front of her was heard stepping to side an opening the door even wider,

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Come on in. Mino is in the bathroom so it shouldn't take too long." Jennie hoped he'd take is sweet time doing whatever he was doing in the bathroom because this woman smelled like fresh roses in a beautiful flower field and.... okay Jennie, calm down.

She smiled shyly, too shyly as she tipped her head down and entered, passing the model and holding her breath. That fresh scent might be the death of her. Jennie loves flowers and Mino always smelled the opposite. It was too strong and it always gave her a migraine.

She felt tense being the same room as the girl. Wait, hold on. A girl? Mino's roommate is a girl? Jennie truly hoped she wasn't Mino's mistress because she would be beyond jealous of Mino.

"Have a seat on the couch and make yourself at home. Would you like some water?" The gorgeous human being asked as Jennie awkwardly sat herself down on the sofa. Her eyes were scanning around, trying to find any evidence that these two were together. But she could feel those eyes on her, so she met them. Her sight glanced at the raven haired girls grin and Jennie could feel her heart leaping out of her chest from the sight.

Jennie cleared her throat and shook her head, "No thanks," she replied quietly. her thoughts were running wild and she just needed to know. This girl could not be straight. "I didn't know Mino was rooming with a girl..." She dragged out, hoping she wasn't sounding to rude or straight forward.

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