Chapter 2: Theo

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Sylvia walked into the hospital. She didn't have anywhere else to be and she knew that her mother was getting anxious with her pacing upstairs. She wasn't in college right now. She had transferred to a new one when they moved but her grades kept dropping and she eventually dropped out, unable to handle the stress of possibly someone knowing her from her old town. All it took was one person and then it was out in light she was here.

She couldn't let that happen.

She signed into the hospital and grabbed her volunteering badge and washed her hands. She made her way to the cafeteria and grabbed the cart.

She wasn't eager to talk to anyone and get close. She was here for only a couple hours and then she would be gone.

She placed the food on the cart and made her way to the elevator. The sight of endless jello staring back at her. Hospital food was the worst food, even the smell.

She quickly handed each patient their food and quickly left.

She was just about done when she went into her last room. A new patient Astra, the cook, told her.
She slowly walked in, wondering what sight she might find, only to find the young man she had seen yesterday being brought in. She stopped and saw that he was awake. Of course he was, all of them had been, it was their stupid lunch time, why woulnd't they be awake? However he was awake and staring at her. His blue eyes practically staring into her soul.

"Wow, the doctor said I wasn't going to look that bad, but with the look on your face it says otherwise," he said sarcastically.

Sylvia shook her head, breaking her eyes from his and grabbing her plate. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, I just-" Sylvia stopped, she didn't know why she stared, maybe it was because he was so young. Maybe it was because she had seen him once at her college that she just dropped out from.

"Were mesmerized by my exceedingly good looks?" He smiled.

Sylvia blinked, wondering how he could be jesting right now and smiling when he had a bandage wrapped around his head and he looked paralyzed from the waist down. Maybe it was the drugs that they had him high on right now.

"I won't bite," he continued. "This isn't the psych ward in case you didn't know."

"No, I know."

Sylvia was interrupted by Carol walking in. "Ah, Sylvia, I see you met Theo. Theo this is Sylvia, she's new as well."

"I can tell, her bedside manners are as terrible as the doctors."

Carol chuckled as she checked over Theo. "She's a bit shy."

"It's the shy ones you have to watch out for."

Sylvia stood there wondering if they could even see her standing right there as they talked like she wasn't there. Obviously Theo could because he was staring at her.

"Sorry honey, I'm going to need you to leave so I can finish up," Carol said.

"Oh I don't mind if she wants to get a look at the view, it's not like I'll be getting any action anytime soon so it might not look as good as it used to, being crippled and all," Theo chimed.

Sylvia sputtered and felt her face turn hot. She quickly turned and left without so much as another word. She couldn't get out of the room fast enough.

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