"We need to hurry up," I told Draco, "Meet on the 7th floor, tonight, 10," Draco and Ally nodded and Bella and I left.

Once dinner was over Slughorn came over to us, "Do you two want to come to the Slug Club dinner tomorrow night?" he asked, "I only invite the best students,"

"I'd love to," I replied, "As would Bella," I talked for my sister who wasn't paying any attention.

"I'll see you then," Slughorn smiled and then we left, going up to the dorm.

That night

We crept along the 7th floor, hoping to find Draco and Ally. As we turned the corner we saw them, "Draco," I hissed. He turned and Bella and I went to him. Draco nodded and then turned back to the wall,

"What are we doing here?" asked Bella,

"Room of Requirement," Ally replied quietly. Draco closed his eyes and then a few seconds later a large wooden door appeared in the wall. Ally pushed it open and we went in. There was stuff everywhere!

"Split up and look for the Vanishing Cabinet," Draco now spoke at a normal level. I split off from the group, looking for anything that would resemble the cabinet back at Borgin and Burkes. There were chairs, desks, decorations, boxes and all sorts of things, but no cabinet. I found a small box and curiosity got the better of me, I opened it to reveal a beautiful sapphire tiara in the shape of a raven. 

"Ravenclaw's diadem," I said breathlessly, I had read about the diadem but didn't know it truly existed. 

"Anyone found it?" I heard Ally's voice say, I quickly put the diadem back into the box and put it back. 

"No," Draco replied,

"Nope," was Bella's voice,

"No," I told them. I sighed and headed back to the place where we had split up. Bella and Ally were already waiting there, "Come on, Draco," I yelled, "We're risking enough just being up here, we'll find it later," Draco appeared from behind the corner and we left the Room of Requirement, without even completing the first step of the plan.

The next night

Bella pov

"To Hogwarts' best and brightest!" Slughorn announced. We all raised a toast and then took a sip from our drinks. We then began to eat, Slughorn talked to McLaggen and I completely ignored the whole conversation, until it turned to Hermoine.

"And you, Miss Granger? What is it your family does in the Muggle world?" asked Slughorn,

"My parents are dentists," she replied, everyone was confused so she continued, "They tend to people's teeth,"

"Fascinating," Slughorn sighed, "And is that considered a dangerous profession?"

"No," Hermoine answered, "Though, a boy named Robbie Fenwick did bite my father once. Needed ten stitches," Slughorn nodded and the door creaked open. Ginny came in, her face red, she looked like she'd been crying.

"Miss Weasley! Come in, come in," Slughorn beckoned to her,

"Sorry, I'm not ordinarily late," Ginny started coming to the table,

"No matter. You'll be just in time for dessert. That is if Belby leaves you any," Slughorn laughed. Ginny came to the table and went to sit in the chair beside me when Potter stood up as she approached. I looked at Ebony who looked like she trying not to laugh.

Nothing else interesting happened so soon after dessert we all left, "Thank you, one and all, for a most stimulating evening. We'll have to do it again," Slughorn waved goodbye. Ebony and I walked back to the Gryffindor Tower.

6th Year Disasters - Book 7 [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें