Ambivalence (Brucinette)

875 26 11

Major Character Death

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ambivalence - (n) conflicting feelings or emotions 

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Dedicated to: ramos67890 
Thanks to jumpingjoy82 for beta reading.

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"I'm gonna catch you!"

"No, you can't!"

The sound of young children running around creating a cheery atmosphere. Two adults sitting on the picnic blanket, watching as their kids ran around, trying to catch one another.

One was a girl around the age of five. She wore a pale pink sundress with white flowers that looked like they were falling. Her hair was black as the night, but shone blue under the sun. Her eyes were blue, as blue as the ocean that you might drown in, if you aren't careful.

The other was a boy a little bit older. He had on a loose white T and some jeans. He paired them with a nice jacket. His hair was black as well, it moved with every step he took. His eyes were also blue, as blue as the clear sky.

Their names were Marinette and Bruce.

Two kids that had always been friends, since the day the younger was born. An energetic pair they were, chasing each other round and round the park. Twin smiles etched on their faces. They were enjoying themselves.

"Marinette, Bruce, come back before the cupcakes are gone!" Martha, Bruce's mother, called out to them.

"That would certainly be a shame wouldn't it Martha, they are chocolate after all," said the other woman with her, Sabine, Marinette's miter.

The two gasped and ran towards the blanket, their mothers giggling as they did.

'These two are certainly going to be friends for years to come," they thought.

And true they were...

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"Mari! Mari!"

"Hi Bruce!"

"You excited?"

"Yeah! Kinda nervous though..."

"Don't be! I'm here, remember? Your knight in shining armour."

Marinette giggled at her friend's antics and took his hand in hers, as they walked towards their first school.

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"Bruce! You're working with me for the project, right?"

"Of course I am!"

"Yay! Okay, so, my place or your place?"

"Mine, I'll tell mom you're coming over."

Middle School

"What cha reading?"

"Mars! You startled me."

She laughed, "I'm sorry! You just seemed so entranced. So... What are you reading?"

Bruce rolled his eyes, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

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