Unknowingly Soulmates (Jasonette)

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A gift for my friend the wonderful @moonlitceleste on Tumblr who unknowingly started a cult, Bee Movie AU cult.

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Marinette has known of soulmates her entire life, even though the mark on her arm confuses her. Her mark was a bee. A bee. Bee’s aren’t her favorite animal, nor is yellow and black her favorite color. She decided that it was probably her soulmate’s and dropped the topic. As everyone around her met their soulmate, she has yet to find hers. She got mocked for it often, but does she care? Absolutely not.

On the other side of the ocean, Jason discovered soulmates at the age of 5 while he was reading. He, of course, has seen the mark on his arm. His discovery had only explained what it was. He didn't think much about it, even as he got adopted, trusting that he will meet his soulmate at the designated time.

Fast forward, Marinette moved to Gotham for college. Her battle scars during her years as Ladybug were covered by the long sleeves she always wore. Her style grew more mature. She abandoned the pigtails and opted to tie it up in a ponytail or just let it down freely. When outside, she wore a dusty pink or a red long sleeved dress or a casual T-shirt with denim jackets. She was also less clumsy as she was in her high school years, now walking with grace and elegance her younger self wished she had.

Over the years she and Alya had grown apart, Alya choosing Lila and Marinette refusing to follow. During that period, Marinette befriended Chloé. It was Chloé, who decided to move with her to Gotham. Over the years, their bond had the most definitely grown stronger. Chloé being the only person to know of Marinette's secret, the only person that understood Marinette's burden. She was and is the girl's support over the years, not even Adrien the person Marinette considers a brother surpassed Chloé. She really  loves her brother and all but he could be really oblivious.

During their stay in Gotham, Marinette quickly rose to be a popular girl of the school, the school's sweetheart. She soon found out about the popular boy of the school, Jason Todd, the school's badass nerd. Jason has also heard of Marinette, greeting her with a subtle nod in the hallway every time they passed each other.

Unknowingly, these two were soulmates. No one was aware of this, well except Chloé. She had accidentally seen Jason's soulmark one day, when she was reading a book in the library. She immediately recognized it as her best friend's soulmark as well. The girl grinned mischievously as she started to spread rumors about just how cute the two would look together as a couple. She had almost hired a person to photoshop both of them together to prove just how adorable they would be. Both Marinette and Jason heard these rumors, but they both decided to ignore them.

Cue a rogue holding the school hostage, wanting to know just what these young adults are afraid of. Scarecrow. Having years as a superhero under her belt, she expertly fought Scarecrow as her best friend fought off his goons. Midway, Jason helps them out, not that they needed it. Needless to say, the three grew close after the fight going on study dates every so often. Most of the time, Chloé would abandon the two alone as she snapped pics from afar.

Bruce came across one of Chloé's posts on instagram since it mentioned Jason. Chloé had captioned it with 'Of on a little date those two, adorable'. Bruce took it way too seriously…

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"So, Jason," Bruce said, at the end of dinner, "I saw your friend's post on Instagram the other day."

Jason raised a brow, "Which friend?"

"I believe their name was Chloé Bourgeois," he answered.

Jason didn't know what he was talking about so he took out his phone and checked. Soon enough he discovered the post Chloé had mentioned him in. He felt his face go red as he read the caption.

Bruce glanced at him once more, "Bring your girlfriend to the gala."

Before Jason could respond, Bruce left the table leaving him to contemplate what just happened. He entered his room and texted Chloé, or who he thought was Chloé.

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"The Dumbasses"

The Zombie Dumbass
Wtf Chloe
Bruce thinks I'm dating Mari now

The Empress Dumbass
Not my problem white streak
I think I deserve a thanks
When are you asking her out?

The Zombie Dumbass
I'm not asking Mari out thank you

The Creative Dumbass
Why are you two doing this rn?
And in the group hat too
*group chat
Shut up autocorrect

The Zombie Dumbass
Mari, do me a favor and fake date me for the gala?
Bruce told me to bring you

The Empress Dumbass
Since when do you care about what he says

The Zombie Dumbass
Shut the f*** up
Mari? Pls?

The Creative Dumbass
As long as I get to make my own dress sure

The Zombie Dumbass
And that, is why I like you better than Chloe

The Empress Dumbass
F*** you

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Marinette sipped on her drink as she chatted idly with Jason. She wore a sleeveless red dress with white gloves that reached her upper arm. She had minimal scars on her shoulders, so it wasn't a pain to cover with makeup. Her dress hugged her frame and flared just above her knees. She wore a natural colored glitter eyeshadow with red lipstick. Her hair was in a low bun formed by braids with the french kind on both sides of her head leading towards it. Jason wore a red tux and white tie to match her.

While deep in her conversation, a woman who looked like she was in her thirties accidentally bumped into her and spilled her wine. Luckily, it had only spilled on Marinette's gloves. The woman apologized non-stop and Marinette assured her that she knew it was a mistake. Once the woman left, Marinette took off her glove and told Jason she'll be back after she cleaned the stickiness off her hand.

Jason nodded, his mind was racing. The bee on Marinette's hand was identical to his. He wondered if it was a tattoo, but then he remembered she said she didn't have any tattoos. Jason could hear his heart pounding in his ears. His soulmate had always been under his nose, she was one of his best friends for that matter. How was he supposed to tell her? Would it make things awkward? Would she even want him as her soulmate? Jason would be lying if he said he didn't want a romance with Marinette, he always had a little crush on her.

Absorbed in his thoughts, Jason didn't notice that Marinette returned and had been calling him for the past five minutes. "-son, you okay?" He snapped back into reality, sort of, he was still in shock. He looked at Marinette's worried face and he realized that he needed to say something.

"Ya like Jazz?"

Had fun writing this! Hope you like it!


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