Chapter 2 Demonic Flowers and Talking Cats

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Demonic Flowers and Talking Cats

Alison surveyed the world around her. She remembered reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in school, but she never pictured anything like this.

She stood atop a hill, looking over the surroundings below. To her right there was a path that led to the base of the hill and into the largest garden she had ever seen. From the top of the hill, the flowers looked normal size, as if they sat below her feet. Which meant they must be huge in comparison. The bright colors glinted in the sun, different shades of every color ever and then some. The flowers swayed in an invisble breeze, and beautiful music came from there, enchanting Alison. Beyond that, was a bustling city. Large buildings reached for the heavens. They seemed to be made entirely of glass, it's reflective surface shining in the bright sun. Around them there were shops, and on the outskirts were smaller, normal looking building which must have been where the people live. A path then led up a mountain, and nestled in between was a grand palace, thick walls surrounding it with large red hearts posted where two slabs of wall met. She could see the red of the facade from her hill.

On the other side, a thick forest seemed to stretch on forever. Dark shadows danced like ghouls beneath the trees, mysterious and threatening. If she blocked out the singing floating enticingly from the garden, she could pick out the roars of unseen monsters, hiding in the dark woods. There seemed to be something glinting, a shiny surface reflecting the light in the middle of the dense coverage of trees. Curious, Alison narrowed her eyes as if it would allow her to get a better view, but when she looked again it seemed to vanish.

At the end of the woods lay snow capped mountains, stretching up lazily to the sun. There, nestled at the top, Alison could barely make out another palace, this one gleaming white, blending in with the pure white of the snow.

It seemed that the hill she stood on divided the two lands, a tangible boundary between kingdoms. Alison looked at the depressive forests, and back at the bright colors of the garden which dispersed into a musch smaller forest, making up her mind. She would follow the path to the red kingdom, in hopes of finding answers there.

With the pristine white kingdom behind her, Alison slowly began making her way down hill to the beautiful gardens with the hypnotizing music.

When she reached the base of the hill, Alison was amazed at the pure height of the flowers. They towered over her like trees, casting colorful shadows where the sun broke throught the canopy. Down there, the music was louder; so loud, it felt as if Alison was standing next to a speaker at a concert.

She moved down the shaded path, the exotic flowers bordering it (those of normal height), tilted their heads to follow her movements. The music continued to grow louder until she reached a clearing. Alison hid behind the stem of a rose and peered around to see who was behind the powerfully beautiful music.

There, gathered around a glowing blue fire, sat beautiful women made out of flowers. They all had thin green stems for legs and arms, and wore beautifully colored dresses which moved with them as if it were a part of their skin. The fabric shimmered with different colors, all centered around the color of their bloom. Small flowers entwined their arms and legs, the leafy green vines a lighter shade than the color of their arms. The small flowers themselves bloomed brightly in color, shining from the inside as if there were little lightbulbs hidden within their centers. At the head were the beautiful blooms of flowers; one rose of a scarlet red, one hibicus with vibrant orange petals, one daisy of the creamiest white, and one gardenia of a lovely yellow. They seemed to substitute for hair on the lovely creatures. In the center, were magnificent faces, full pouty lips, thin button noses, perfectly arched eyebrows, and poinous green almond shaped eyes. Their eyes were the most outstanding feature for there was no pupil, only the poinous green and the outer white seen in all eyes.

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