First Day

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As the first rays of the morning sun peaked in through the open window curtains, Sameer slowly opened his eyes. Usually he was up already but he was tired from the hectic past few days and if it weren't for the flowers and lights which hung on his ceilings he forgot for a second that he was married. Sleeping on the floor and waking up like this was so normal for him he felt like any other morning except it wasn't. Today was the first day after their wedding which called for some more post wedding rituals at the temple and Tejo's first kitchen ceremony. Sameer had a brief idea about him but his mother and babhi had informed him beforehand as he was suppose to give Tejo a gift for her first ceremony. Gift, "oh god" Sameer got up with a start. He had forgotten that he had gotten a gift for Tejo, he was suppose to give it to her on their first night, but he completely forgot to give it to her yesterday. Sameer got up and slowly walked closer to find a sleeping Tejo. She slept quietly, peacefully. He usual big brown eyes were closed shut and lined with her long lashes. Her wavy hair was spread on the pillows and a strand danced on her forehead as the air from the AC fanned her face. Her left hand was resting next to her forehead while the right was placed on her stomach. The glint of her wedding ring shined a slight light across her face and the light caught Sameer's eyes. Quickly looking away he put out his hand before taking a step closer. Sameer put out his hand, his fingers almost touching Tejos face, Sameer was about to move the strand of hair from her face before deciding not to and retreating back. He wanted to make Tejo comfortable, he didn't want to scare her the very first morning. Sameer folded his comforter and quilt and placed them in the closet. Normally he liked to ride his bike but he didn't want to wake Tejo so decided to go to the balcony and do some yoga and Surya Namaskar instead, he would've gone for a run but if a family member found him downstairs he doubted they would let him go. Sameer opened the balcony door slowly and stepped out greeted by the morning crisp cool air.

Tejo could feel a slight breeze and as the sun shined on her face she slowly opened her eyes to reveal a bright sun pouring in all its glory in the large room. Tejo looked around and saw the beige stone walls and large open space. The sun made the walls glow and the light colors of the wall and the brightness of the sun complemented each other very well. It's seemed almost seemed like some castle room where the very first rays of the sun hit, the stone walls gave a castle like feel whereas the minimal modern decor was very much new. Tejo sat upright taking in the beauty of the room she had a very peaceful sleep after a long time, she didn't know if it was because she was tired yesterday or whether it was due to Sameer. He had made her feel so comfortable she hadn't had the slightest hesitation falling asleep. Scanning the room her eyes fell on a figure in the balcony, with hands behind him he slightly bent back before bending forward and touching the floor. The bright sun outlined him and he appeared as a shadow but Tejo knew it was Sameer. His height, his posture, his slight wavy hair flew in the wind and while Tejo couldn't see him she could see the outline of his biceps, they flexed as he held himself up, his muscles in his legs flexed as he brought up one leg after the other. Sameer was tall and slim but muscular, it was surprising how fluid his motions were, while his muscles would make one seem stiff Sameer moved smoothly like water. Sameer completed the Surya Namaskar with ease and precision. Tejo could see his Adam's apple as he looked up toward the sky and as if she was caught staring she immediately looked away and got up slightly shy, slightly embarrassed. Making the bed, Tejo smiled as she saw Sameer's mat put away neatly in the closet. Tejo grabbed her things and clothes and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the first day.

As Tejo got out of the bathroom drying her wet hair with her towel she found Sameer getting off the bike. He stood up and she could see the sweat shine slightly on his hands and legs, wiping the sweat off his face with a towel Sameer turned around as Tejo pushed back her hair, spraying some water on his face from her wet hair. Closing his eyes Sameer smiled slightly as he wiped his face. "Sorry" Tejo said shyly. "Don't be" said Sameer "Did you have a good sleep" he asked. "Yes" Tejo replied "after a long time too. Thank you and sorry. I felt really bad that you had to sleep on the floor because of me. You shouldn't have done that". "Tejo" Sameer politely interrupted her "I didn't sleep on the floor because of you, I often sleep on the floor. It's a habit I formed when I was in college. Weirdly, I can't sleep in the same spot for many consecutive days. If I sleep on the bed for more than a week, I won't be able to sleep after that so I move to the floor, even the floor I can't sleep for many days so I move to the couch. This is just one of my many weird traits" he said. "Also I understand how quickly our marriage happened, it's probably weird enough for you to share a room with me, I don't want to add to it by sharing the same bed with you. I think we should be friends first, get to know each other better and then we can go further". Hearing his last worlds brought a bright red blush on Tejo's face, seeing her so Sameer quickly corrected himself "no I mean, what I mean is let's be friends first, take things as they come, life's a beautiful journey instead of restricting relationships in certain categories let's just take it one day at a time, you don't or shouldn't have any apprehensions with me, you should be able to share anything and everything you want with me knowing that I won't judge you. I want you Tejo to be free in this relationship with me not bound down by expectations. As a DIL you'll have many responsibilities and expectations from the other members of the house, I might not be able to change that but the least I can do is support you and not bound you by anything in this room or when your with me. Outside of here we both have our responsibilities but when we come here we'll be just us, Sameer and Tejo. This will be our space, our little world in this big world" he looked at Tejo tilting his head waiting for her reply. Tejo replied by nodding, it took her a few moments to take in what Sameer had said. Right when she thinks she's getting to know him, he says something that forces her to think more about him, there's a lot more she needs to learn about him, a lot more she needs to know about him. It will be a beautiful journey indeed she thought as she smiled some more. Leaving Tejo smiling Sameer gestured to her as he left to go get ready. By the time Sameer got out, Tejo had gotten ready in a beautiful golden and maroon saree. She kept her look simple with her wavy hair down and pinned back slightly. She wore large earrings, her mangalsutra, her bangles and ring completed her look. Sameer walked out and as he buttoned the last button on his sleeve he stopped in his tracks as he took Tejo in. The saree pleats fell to her feet and the maroon and golden saree fit perfectly around her legs, the drape over her torso met on her forearm not before revealing a slight look at her waistline. Sameer looked at Tejo carefully but with no vulgarity, he saw a beautiful girl and thought for a second how she seemed to look beautiful in every way, whether she was wearing a simple night suit or a saree, she was beautiful. This was not like Sameer, he never paid this much attention to women, not because there was anything wrong with him but simply because no girl had gained his attention, maybe he just hadn't found the one. Maybe because none of them were Tejo, he wasn't in love with her, he couldn't possibly be not so soon at least, but he also wouldn't deny that he found her beautiful maybe from the first time he saw her outside that party. Tejo cleared her throat bringing Sameer back to the moment. "Is this alright, I didn't know what to wear or what would be acceptable so opted for a saree, does it look okay" she asked unsure. "You look beautiful" Sameer replied quickly without wasting a second, Tejo looked on at his fast reply before he continued "I'm sure the family will be very happy to see you regardless of what your wearing, unless it's a family function where other relatives are coming, my family will be happy as long as your presentable which would be an understatement right now". Sameer walked to bring his jacket and putting on his jacket he gestured Tejo to lead as they both walked down for their first day as husband and wife.

Sameer and Tejo were greeted with hugs and blessings as if everyone had seen them after weeks. Tejo's first kitchen ceremony was done in which she made sweets. While Sameer wasn't a fan of sweets, Tejo's dessert was actually very good. After praising her the entire family had blessed and given her presents. Some gave her jewelry, some gave her clothes, even Diya and Shaurya had given her a gift, hand drawn welcome cards with her and the rest of the family which Tejo found extremely sweet. When Tejo walked towards Sameer, everyone's eyes were on what he would gift her. Under much scrutiny Sameer pulled a blue rectangular velvet box to reveal gold diamond studded anklets. While everyone cooed Sameer waited to see Tejo's reaction, she held the box in her hand before looking at him, while the smile was on her face the entire time she received gifts, he saw a slight shine in her eyes he swore wasn't there before. Without saying much both could understand the other, she liked the gift and Sameer was relieved. Everyone insisted he help Tejo wear it and as they stood with the family surrounding them, Sameer knelt down on one knee. After a few teases from his sister and Salil, Tejo slightly placed her feet on his knee, Sameer held her hand to help her balance before he held one anklet, looking up at Tejo he waited and as if on cue Tejo slowly pulled her saree pleats up to reveal her ankle. Sameer placed the anklet on one feet and then the other. After the family's applause and cheers, the ritual was finally complete. Sameer being his usual shy self, excused himself for water while Tejo excused herself to put the gifts away, both trying to flee from the family's teases. Everyone was happy, happy for Tejo being a part of the family, happy for Sameer. The remainder of the day was spent getting Tejo familiar with the home and how things generally happen around the house. Meera showed Tejo around the house as Tammy, Lucky, Diya and Shaurya followed. Tejo was now officially Diya and Shaurya's new favorite, Sameer was dethroned from that position. Tejo quickly became familiar with the house and how things worked. When the rituals and ceremonies were brought up Dadi calmly asked Tejo to not worry initially as it had taken all the DILS here a couple years to fully understand it including herself. She also asked Tejo to wear whatever is comfortable for her, Padmini and Raj asked her to consider this her home and wear what she would at her mayaka. Meera and Padmini wore sarees because they were habitual of it but Pamini insisted that if Tejo liked she could wear her Punjabi suits. Padmini would have their family designer come later in the week and Tejo could have whatever outfits she liked made. Meera also reminded to have an interior designer so Tejo could redecorate her room to which Tejo politely declined stating the room was perfect, Tejo also declined the designer as Padmini and Meera had already brought so many clothes. Tejo thanked them and got emotional at their sweet gesture, Padmini was equally touched and hugged Tejo. Meera stated that the shopping was before they knew who Sameer would marry and know that mummyji had her second DIL she wanted Tejo to be prepared to be spoiled as she spoke out of experience. "There is no difference in this house between a daughter and DIL Tejo, when I was newly married I was also equally nervous but mummyji became more like a friend to me as I had no one else my age. Akash is also not like Sameer, Sameer is very understanding and supportive whereas Akash can be stubborn in his ways. Don't consider yourself alone for a second Tejo, I speak out of experience this family will treat you more as a daughter than DIL, and whenever you need a friend to speak to you have me" she said giving Tejo a hug. The rest of the day flew as Tejo was touched by the love and admiration the family showered on her, occasionally she would find Sameer smiling and looking at her before looking away quickly. If she said she was nervous before would be an understatement but suddenly there was a calm that replaced the nervousness, a peace that said everything will be great. Tejo smiled and couldn't help thank the lord, she was a part of a loving and caring family a girl could only dream of.

(This was the last piece I had written some time back, will update with a new chapter soon, thank you all for your kind words and for following so loyally. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.)

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