Cold and empty bedsheets.

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Info: y/n- your name. C-cate. Y-you. S-Sandra/Sandy. This chapter is in cates pov. Also cates thoughts will be in italics.

Her presence was angelic, so too the definition of perfection.The way her hips swayed when she walked and her beautiful thick hair, fell precisely below her chest. She was a goddess, my goddess.
When she came back from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn in hand, she sat down and snuggled into my chest while I stroked her hair.
"I love you baby" "I love you the most angel"
The film started and everything was bliss. But as I stoked her hair, she began to fade. I could no longer feel the warmth of her body neither her silky pyjamas. She just started to fade into the air, along with everything else.
"Wait- Sandy? That was a dream. I haven't dreamt about you in ages'
My mind was confused and blurry.

Why did i dream of Sandy?

I sat up. My bedsheets were cold and empty.  I started to cry.
I don't know why, but crying didn't necessarily mean bad things. It was our bodies natural response to overwhelming feelings and sometimes a good cry helps.
I had dreams about her every night since we started filming oceans eight but over time they passed. During that time, me and Andrew didn't see each other often so I kind of let my marriage go. Sandra and me liked each other but nothing came of it after the movie. If my life hadn't been what it is, perhaps in another world she and i would be a thing.

I held her hoodie tighter. We both swapped hoodies one day. That memory was happy and I often think of it.

'Jesus what time is it?' I muttered, once I had gotten over my sleep happenings. 10:30 pm. When I came back from the park with Y/N, I just went straight to bed.
I should actually change into some pyjamas instead of sleeping in my clothes. I put on my favourite nightwear and some fluffy socks.
I wonder what Y/N is doing? Y/N was so sweet today and she seems like a really cool person! My type of person.

Once I had changed, I walked through the halls and went to my children's rooms. I stood in their doorways and whispered goodnight until I got to my baby ediths room. She's absolutely adorable and looks so peaceful when she sleeps, I hope she isn't too upset with me being gone a lot recently.

As I was making my way back to my room, I decided to go over to the east wing of the house and visit the main bedroom where Andrew was. We hadn't shared a room for years because of my insomnia. It wasn't fair on him if I kept waking him up during the night so we both agreed this was the best option.
I knocked before entering.
"Come in!" He said cheerily, obviously thinking it was one of the children.
"Oh, hey poss"
"Hey, I just wanted to ask you how your day went?" I thought some casual talk would suit this evening.
"Yep, fine. The kids were ok in school but when we got home and you weren't there they panicked a bit. When did you get home? Why didn't you come and see us?"
His voice was filled with curiosity- mainly on the kids behalf.
"Sorry dear, I was out doing some shopping after that meeting and then I went out for lunch so it wasn't until 6, that I got back. I didn't feel great so I just went straight to bed." I explained.
"Oh that ok- are you feeling better now?" He asked with concern.
"Yes I'm fine- I should leave you be though- I'm sure you're tired."
"Alright then, poss. As long as you're ok that's all that matters"
He gave me a chaste kiss on my lips before I closed the door gently and left. I decided that for the next few weeks, i should take time off and spend it with my family.
The idea of going back to sleep was daunting after the dream about Sandra so instead
I walked downstairs and into the library.
The floorboards were cold and it seemed empty even with the towers of books that suffocated the walls. I decided to text Y/N, just to ask her if she had gotten home okay.
If I text her, it may take my mind off of things. I wonder what it's like now- being a young aspiring actor. When I went into it, I was found because I had done some work in the theatre, but now since everything is so digital, I don't know what it's like.
On the phone:

Me: Hey, it's cate! I don't know if you're up this late but I was just checking to make sure you got home safely...
After a few minutes the message was marked as seen.
Y/n: Yes, I got home fine and I am up this late! How are you? Did you get home ok?
Me: Yes, just wanted to check that you were ok, but now that you are I'll leave you in peace.
Y/n: you don't need too! I'm just chilling anyway, but I suppose you probably have a busy schedule and need your beauty sleep!
Me: thank you, sweet. Alright, goodnight love.
Y/n: you too, angel (;

The pet names were just a bit of fun. I love calling people pet names because it always expresses my feelings towards them and almost brings a sense of security to the conversation.
I decided to put my phone down and just settle for the night since I didn't want to impose on Y/n too much. After all, it was 11.00 pm by now.

I walked to the kitchen, and got a glass of water. then went back upstairs to my room. My bedsheets were cold and empty and my pillow had damp patches from my previous tears.
The room turned black by the flick of a switch and I pulled the duvet closer. The fresh smell of lavender caressed my nose as I breathed and the room also had a faint scent of my perfume which, combined with the lavender, made the perfect smell, especially as I was beginning to drift off.
Sleep fell upon me fast and for the first time, I didn't have any nightmares, only a peculiar dream about Y/n. And when I awoke, I found myself in the same position that I had fallen asleep in.

My sincere apologies for not updating very regularly- life is hectic. I will write more often! I hope you enjoyed this chapter- as always, please leave any suggestions below! Also, Andrew is a lovely man and I'm sure he makes cate very happy. This is a fictional story and nothing more.
Word count: 1163.

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