Croissants and coffee

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A/N- I have some ideas for the story and I plan to keep publishing new parts but they might be a bit scattered due to my current schedule and situation. My mental health is also something I need to factor in (like everyone does) because my mood has a huge effect on my writing genre even though I want this to be a happy story! Anyways, if you have any suggestions please let me know! I would be delighted to incorporate any ideas that you have!

"The scenic route, I don't mind a longer walk"

As we exited the station grounds, Cate put some sunglasses on and kept her head down which I presumed was because of the risk that paparazzi might suddenly swarm us. I suppose that's one of the factors to being famous; some people may adore it while others hate being in the spotlight. We didn't speak for a while until she took off her tinted glasses and strolled down an ally. I was really nervous and felt out of place.

"So, Y/N, the cafe is near but how are you time wise?"
Cates words were so tranquil, almost like she was trying to disguise something, some sort of emotion that was very delicate for her to discuss so she would just put up an emotional barrier from the outside world- but then again, I could just be overthinking things or looking for an excuse to reason with my awkwardness.

You: " I'm fine for time, I didn't come here for any particular reason so this has really given my afternoon some structure! Thanks again, for this."
I tried to express my thanks without seeming to excited.

" Your most welcome, sometimes it's nice to have some company- even if it's only for a few hours" her voice was so dreamy.

After a quiet walk through some calm streets, we arrived at a small cafe. Cate took the lead and got us a small table. The cafe was very nice and the vibe was pleasant. As we sat down I took my coat off and Cate did the same. She then started staring at my hoodie and that's when I remembered what my outfit was. Holy shit! She's going to think I'm a huge fan now!

It was my favourite hoodie but it definitely wasn't appropriate for this unexpected occasion

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It was my favourite hoodie but it definitely wasn't appropriate for this unexpected occasion.
"Oh gosh, how do I get myself out of this one?"
Cate just started to laugh which made me relax a bit more.
"Oh sweetheart" she placed her hand on mine. "Don't be daft! I'm flattered that you think that much of me. Plus it's cute" she was so caring!
She could have just left and never spoken to me again or taken offence and tell me to leave, but she didn't. She simply just laughed and complimented me.

You: " I bought this a few years ago, I suppose it's my comfort hoodie but if I'd know that I was going to have lunch with the authentic woman herself, I would've put on something nicer!" 

Cate: " So you do know who I am, I thought you weren't aware of my..... public status"

You: " I am sorry for this! I didn't recognise you at first but when I heard you on the phone I instantly recognised your, may I say, lovely voice."

Cate "Well thank you dear.  Anyways, tell me about yourself."

(A/n, at this point I'm just going to say Y for
Y/N's speech and C for Cate!)

Y: "Gosh, where do I start! I'm 24 and I live in a tiny apartment in London, I attended Cambridge university and studied finance. While I was there, I joined the drama group which sparked my love for theatre. I always loved it but it expanded my love even more so after I left uni, I wanted to achieve me dreams of being an actor but I had gotten a degree in finance so I got a job doing that. I still want to be an actor but my career hasn't really taken off up until earlier today when I got a call from the director saying that I got the part in a new movie, so hopefully i won't be a failure for too much longer" I said the last bit trying sound cheerier that the statement itself actually was.

C: " You want to be an actor!
Yes, I understand your struggles with the industry. It's very competitive but I sense that you will do well- your very confident, you have good posture and seem to treat things with a very enthusiastic attitude towards your career! And congratulations on the movie part but may I ask where your inspiration to be an actor, came from?"

Y: " Well, without sounding like too much of a fan.... you were my inspiration" then her gorgeous eyes met mine and we just stared at each other for a while.

Waiter: "Here is your coffee ladies and here are your croissants. Enjoy"

C: "Thank you"

Y: "Mmh, these are delicious! The pastry is so delicate" they really were lovely but Cate remained silent, she just stared into my eyes adoringly.
We sat in a comfortable silence while we ate.

After a while, Cate finally spoke.

C: " What a strange girl you are. Flung out of space."
I blushed. She spoke only few words but each was picked very carefully.

After a while, when we had both finished, it was already two o'clock. We decided on going for a walk to the park I had initially planned on.

C: "This is lovely. I've didn't even know it existed considering I don't live far away. It's strange that there are so many hidden gems that not many people know about, just outside of their doorstep, waiting to be discovered."

Y: "I couldn't agree more."

We continued conversing until it was time to leave.

C: "would you like to come to my house?"

Y: "Oh, I'm afraid not. I've got to look over some things for the movie and I couldn't impose on you like that."

C: " Will I at least see you again? Perhaps you would like my number, that way you can ask me about work things and I can recommend you to some agents and other people in the industry. Also if you ever want to meet again, I'd be more than happy to!" 
She sounded slightly disappointed.

Y: " Of course! I'd love to exchange numbers."
I can't believe this is happening! I'm getting the Cate Blanchetts' number.

I gave her my phone with no hesitation and she quickly put in her contact details. I'm so glad I started talking to her on the train.

C: " I suppose should must leave now, thank you so much for spending the afternoon with me. You're great company! I'll text you tonight if that's alright with you?"

Y: " yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you again! I really enjoyed today too."

C: " alright goodbye for now, y/n."

Y: " goodbye, cate." I smiled then turned and walked away.


I hope you liked this! I promise it's going to get more exciting but for potentially the next few chapters, I'm going to write them from Cates' point of view and I'll develop her character more! Anyways, I'd love to have some feedback and please remember that I'm always here to talk<3
P.S. I don't check over much so if there's any mistakes please tell me- I won't be offended at all!
Word count:1257  (if you've gotten this far :)

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