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Okay, so this is weird and cool. Who expects that in a small town named Perd hills, now before you search What Perd is, it is and improvised version of Lost in French;

Anyways, Perd hills is town filled with amazing stuff, like buildings, huge buildings, kids, older kids, propose street, break- up street, people and then lastly abnormal people like Adam Sprayberry and his best friend & co-worker Mary Evans. They are demonologists. Yeah! I get it, it's weird but trust me it's not just their job that make it abnormal.

Adam Sprayberry is funny, smart and great at bad jokes. Though he does have a problem in understanding Mary's plans, flashback to when Mary explained her prank and he took hours just to understand the first 2 lines. Still seems normal? Let's have a look at Mary Evans's life. She is adorable when it comes to being weird, back fires Adam with Bad joke replies and has a puppy named Universe, that wasn't important but who names their dog "universe"?

But Adam helped picking the name so, *abnormal*

Lately the two of them have been solving small cases around the town, no wonder why Mary doesn't like Perd. I mean they just solved 20 false cases & by that I mean cases of "liars"

They get criticized and judged for their work all the time but that doesn't stop them from helping those who need help.

On the other side of the town, there's an important case which the two might be interested about. For now, let's hope they don't leave Perd Hills, before the case doesn't find a way to get to them;

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