Chapter Five - Hermione's POV

Start from the beginning

"Over there," Leah motions to a cluster of cedars, and I start heading over in that direction. Leah easily keeps pace with me. "What's the plan?" she asked.

"Spy on them," I answer, promptly. I finally spot them, hidden in the shadows, and I wait, watching them dance. Jacob's positioned her hands over his heart, and they're swaying together. Bella's face is radiant.

I stand there, watching. They seem happy, chatting away, until suddenly Leah stiffens beside me, and I watch Jacob's expression bulge in a kind of confused horror. "Shit," Leah mutters, beside me.

"What is it?" I demand, hurrying forwards.
"Ow, Jake! Let go!" I hear Bella say, and my vision flashes red as I see him shake her.

"Jacob's not happy about her banging Mr. Fang while her heart's still beating," Leah explains, easily keeping pace with me. Edward suddenly appears beside them, and his voice is sharp as a razor.

"Take your hands off her!" I can hear snarling, and I duck down, hitching up my dress and pulling out my wand.

"Jacob, you're losing it!" Leah snapped, "You're hurting her! Let go!" Jacob is frozen in place, and I point my wand at him.

"Protego!" A shimmering shield is conjured between the two, pushing him away from Bella, throwing him to the ground. Instantly, Edward lifts Bella, moving her several yards away, tensing in front of her. Jacob stumbles back to his feet, his eyes flashing dangerously at Edward.

"I'll kill you!" his voice his so choked with rage that it was a low whisper. "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!" I acted quickly, slashing my wand through the air.

"Stupefy!" A jet of red light hits the trembling shape-shifter, and he slumps to the ground, unconscious. Two enormous wolves emerged from the shadows, eyeing me warily. I kept my wand out in case they reacted violently, but they didn't, merely bracing themselves between the unconscious Jacob and Edward, not aggressive, just protective.

Alice is beside me, I didn't even notice her arrive, and her arm is wrapped around my waist like an iron vice, her eyes narrowed dangerously at the wolves.

"I'll get him out of here," Leah states, and despite the gravity of the situation, I have to hold back a laugh at the comical sight of Leah hauling Jacob up over her shoulder, her supernatural strength at work. "See you later, Hermione, Alice... Bella, Edward."

She waves, with her free hand, her only genuine smile aimed at me. I smile back, and watch as she disappears into the darkness, the other wolves following. The brown wolf paused for a moment, turning to face Edward and Bella, eyes hostile. "I'm sorry," Bella whispered, her face drawn and pale. Edward gave a sharp, cold nod, and the wolf melted away into the shadows.

Bella turns, clinging to Edward, and he rubs her back. "All right, let's get back." He coaxes. Bella shakes her head, wildly.

"Just Jake-"
"Sam and Leah have him in hand. He's gone."

"Edward, I'm so sorry! I was stupid-" Bella wails. "You did nothing wrong-"

"I have such a big mouth!" She continues, ignoring him, "why would I... I shouldn't have let him get to me like that. What was I thinking?"

"Don't worry," Edward reiterates, touching her face. "We need to get back to the reception, love, before someone notices our absence." Bella shook her head, wildly.

"Two seconds," she pleaded, "give me two seconds." I crossed over, closing the short distance between us, and wrapped my arms around her.

"Bella-" I begin, but she interrupts me, shaking her head. "I'm an idiot, Hermione."

"Don't be daft! You are not that thick, Bella." I growl, "he's the bloody moron!" She gives a shaky smile.

"It sounds so strange when you go all British on me."

"'ello governor!" I say, in the thickest, most obnoxious English accent I can manage. This time she manages a watery laugh, and I give her hand a quick squeeze. "It's your wedding, Bells. Enjoy it." I tell her, sternly, before backing off, to give her and Edward some time to talk, before they go back out to meet the throng.

Alice walks beside me, her expression downcast. "I can't believe that just happened!" she lamented.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, the wedding's still wonderful." I assure her, correctly guessing where her misery is stemming from.

"I spent so long making this perfect, and then that mutt just came and ruined everything!" she wailed, and I laughed, pulling her into my arms, and planting my lips on hers.

"He ruined nothing," I say, pulling back. She reaches up, grabbing the back of my neck, and tugging my mouth back down to hers.


We danced together and ate cake- well, I ate cake, until it was time for Alice to drag Bella upstairs to get changed. I waited with everyone else at the bottom of the staircase, knowing that Renée would be upstairs to help Bella change, and not wanting to see her. I'd managed to avoid her most of the wedding, and I didn't plan on that changing any time soon.

Bella looked beautiful as she just about floated down the stairs. Her hair was loose and wavy, and she was wearing a beautiful blue dress. I watched Edward lead her through the crowd, and followed her, as they made their way to Charlie.

He was leaning awkwardly against the wall, behind everyone else- the reason why was abundantly clear, from the red rims around his eyes. "Oh, Dad!" Bella burst into tears, throwing herself into his arms. He patted her back awkwardly.

"There, there," he mumbled.
"I love you forever, Dad," Bella blubbered "don't forget that!"

"You, too, Bells," Charlie replied. "Always have, always will." He kissed her cheeks, then gave her a stern look. "Call me."

"Soon," Bella promised.

"Go on then," he said, gruffly, "don't want to be late." The guests cleared, making a path for the happy couple, and Edward shielded Bella, rushing her to the car as the rice storm began. I leaned against the wall next to Charlie, pretending that my eyes weren't damp.

"Bella married... weird." I said. He gave a strained laugh, and wrapped an arm around me. "Like you wouldn't believe, kiddo."

The car was decorated with flowers and streamers and ribbons and half a dozen brand new designer shoes. Bella stuck her hand out the window and called out, "I love you!" to the porch, waving enthusiastically. My eyes met hers and I smiled, waving back, before the car disappeared up the driveway.

The official story was that they were driving to the airport, but in actuality, the car would be parking a couple of miles up the road, where I'd set up a Portkey to take them to their destination- an island that Carlisle had gifted Esme. Isle Esme, it was called.

"Have an amazing time," I murmured under my breath.

"They will." Alice assured me, appearing beside me. Charlie jumped slightly, startled by her sudden appearance, but other then that, he took it in his stride. I lifted my spare arm, the one not hugging Charlie, to wrap around her shoulders, pulling her close.

In this moment, I felt loved. On top of the world. Like nothing could go wrong. 

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