Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I let out a loud scream as I opened my eyes to see Kol laying next to me in bed.  So this whole Original family thing wasn't a dream…

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BEDROOM?!  GET OUT!” I yelled at him as I pulled the duvet up to cover me more.  “My room is too small, I want yours.”  I raised an eyebrow.  “Uh no way! No, no, no, no, no.”  I said looking at him with wide eyes.  “Well Niklaus has the biggest room,  and yours is the next biggest and then all the others are the same size except for mine and one more!”  He began to explain and I shook my head.  “Get out of my room Kol.”  I said angry and I jumped out of bed and put on my robe.  

After enjoying my shower i walked back into my room to see a box laying on my bed.  Opening it up it read,

Please join the Mikaelson Family this evening at seven o’clock for dancing, cocktails, & celebration.  I flipped the card over to see a sticky note stuck to the back.

Hello beautiful, I would be honoured to have you as my date tonight.  I picked you out a gown to consider wearing to tonights ball.  - Klaus x

Placing the card down I looked down at the ball gown, pulling it out of the box and I gasped at the sight.  It was stunning.  It was my favourite colour,  a darker purple shade, and had a beautiful corset back.  Crystals covered the entire top half of the dress and as it continued down, the began to spread out more.  

Running downstairs I jumped onto the couch next to Rebekah.  “Oooh thats a pretty colour.”  I complimented as I looked down at her nails that she had compelled a man to paint for her.  Rebekah smiled,  “You should paint yours too.”  I looked down at my naked nails,  “What colour is your dress for tonight?” She asked me and a blu grew to my cheeks,  “Your brother actually brought it for me.  Its a deep purple.”  Rebekah nodded and looked over at the man,  “After you're done with me, paint Rosalie’s nails lilac.”  She compelled and the man nodded.

“Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am.” Kol said as he admired himself in the mirror.  “Oh come on Kol, you know I cant be compelled.”  Rebekah said which made Finn snicker.  “Rose, what do you think?” Kol asked me and I looked up at him in his suit for tonight.  “I think you look lovely Kol.”  I said as the old guy began to paint my nails.  “Well thank you Rose.  Rebekah why cant you be as nice as Rose?”  Kol said and Rebekah and I laughed in unison,  “Trust me I can be a right cow at times,”  I said honestly as Klaus walked in. “You went after Elena!”  Klaus yelled and my eyes widened as I looked at Rebekah.  “Here we go.”  Rebekah said with a twisted smile.  “Do you want another dagger in your heart?”  Klaus asked Rebekah and Kol sighed,  “Again with the dagger threats, don't you have any other tricks?”  Kol spoke cockily.  “Oh go back to staring at yourself.”  Klaus growled.  “Who are you, my father?”  Klaus asked with a smirk planted across his face and Klaus spun around to look at his younger brother. “No Kol, but you're in my house.”  Kol stood up and walked closer to Klaus so they were almost chest-to-chest.  

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